Uglješa Stojanović

Music Visualizers by Videobolt - Make beautiful music visualizers online, in minutes

According to Facebook, 85% of videos watched there are muted. What do you think will get more attention - a static black screen or a super cool video that animates with the beat?

Create spectacular music visualizers online, without After Effects. Easily import music form your SoundCloud and publish to YouTube with one click publish.

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Thanks for hunting @ugljesa_stojanovic I would assume the stat you quote about muted videos on FB includes videos with speech and captions? Or are you referring to music videos?
El Duderino
@ugljesa_stojanovic @abadesi Hey Abadesi. Yeah, the stat is for all video on Facebook, though the same principle applies for videos in general, even music videos on YouTube. People are drawn to presentation. :)
Cameron Johnson
This is one of those products that you often wonder if it will get used enough. I can't decide. I usually have audio off when videos start, but I haven't tried watching just audio files. I'm on the fence with this one.