Run YouTube ads that really work
Mack Grenfell

Videoplan — Run YouTube ads that really work

The default YouTube Ads targeting options suck. Videoplan lets you create hyper-targeted YouTube campaigns in minutes, and export them to Google Ads.

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Mack Grenfell
Hi all! YouTube can be a phenomenally powerful ads platform, but only if you're targeting the right people. By targeting specific videos around your brand's niche you can reach people as they're actively researching products, for a fraction of the price of channels like paid search. YouTube's default options make it tough to target specific videos at scale; that's where Videoplan comes in. How it works: ⭐ Search the YouTube video API, letting you find hyper-relevant videos ⭐ Build 'Monitors', which scan daily for new relevant videos ⭐ Create campaigns, ad groups, and ads, all in Videoplan ⭐ Export and upload straight into Google Ads Why use Videoplan? 🎯 Target people who actually want to see your ad 💰 Save costs by not showing your ads on irrelevant videos 🏆 Find videos to target as they go viral 🥳 Sign up completely for free and only upgrade if you need to I'm super keen to hear your feedback, and any ideas you have for how I can improve it :)
Hide Shidara
This has a lot of really interesting applications in the right domain, have you thought of targeting talent management at startups?
Mack Grenfell
@catsarebetter Hey, thanks for the comment! Could you explain a little bit more about what you mean? Do you mean targeting talent managers to get them to use Videoplan?