
Coronavirus Tracker - Track the coronavirus outbreak and travel safe


Get the latest toll numbers for the Novel Coronavirus epidemic, see affected regions, stats, casualties and more information to track, stay vigilant and travel safe.

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Hello Hunters Last week i was trying to find information on corona virus and its spread but as its distributed with different agencies, it was becoming difficult everyday to get a complete sense of whats happening. So i thought of building a website which aggregates the different sources of data and lets you stay on top of this global pandemic. It took me 24 hours to build and it now ready. I thought it will be very useful as i feel lot of us want to track this and stay vigilant. It has latest toll numbers for the Novel Coronavirus epidemic, see affected regions, stats, casualties and more. Its data is collected from WHO and other government agencies and updated everyday. I though this will be useful to people of Visa List and other who have some plans to travel. So i thought it will be useful for people living in different parts of the world who have travel plans.
Jun Gong
Nice touch on the travel tips πŸ‘
@jun_gong i'm glad you liked it
Mohd Danish
Good Work @1hakr I really like your way to present row data into visual form. πŸ‘It will help to people to take decision for travelling.
@mddanishyusuf thanks man! Yes hopefully it will be helpful to all travellers.
Is this the same as this? https://gisanddata.maps.arcgis.c...
@menjilx nope but looks like they are similar, few things that are not present are 1. Search for a region or country 2. Filter by region or country 3. Filter by infected, recovered and dead
Ryzal Yusoff πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§πŸ‡²πŸ‡Ύ
Absolutely needed product for all travellers now! Congrats on launching! πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰
@ryzalyusoff thanks man
Nice! Personal suggestion for a v2 would be unconfirmed/rumoured siteings. Could also link to the rumoured post/tweet/etc. And then a filter between confirmed and unconfirmed ;) All the best!
@asd_za these are really useful features. Thanks a lot! πŸ‘
Connor Brereton
Where are you pulling the data from?
@connorbrer mostly from WHO
Matthew John
@1hakr this is good stuff! Loved the UI and the info you convey on each node. Also appreciate that you share all the datasources used for building this.
@tmatthewj 😁 thanks a lot. Just trying to do my bit during this unfortunate event.
Monique Hooks
@1hakr Great, I was exactly looking for this last week. Love the overview.
@mojo_hooks I'm glad it's useful
Moses Bakst
Feels like a real life Plague Inc. ...
@moses_bakst1 😁
Anesh Pillai
Great Software and interface - However, where is the data being pulled from ? Also Is this a custom software from scratch ?
Dennis Ong
Nice UX, especially considering it's built so quickly. Useful little tool for the audience of VisaList!
@dennisong Thanks a lot!
Kaushik Thirthappa
Looks great dude, congrats on the launch
@ktkaushik Thanks mate!
Kunal Kaushal
Good stuff! Very helpful for travellers!
Winnie Phan
Very useful and travellers will love it.
Thank you @nhuphan0404
Joakim Wasseng
My last comment got lost in the wind(?) while logging in. @1hakr I think you should calculate fatality rate as 1875 / (13078 + 1875) = 12,5% Not devide by infected
@wasseng that's mortality rate not fatality rate
Kyler Phillips
Nice work! Keep it up @1hakr
Robert Kook
This is really awesome, and a great source of data. I also have a similar product that I only just released here !wher-to