
Coronavirus Tracker 2.0 - Track coronavirus curve flattening and doubling days


Track coronavirus curve flattening, growth rate and doubling days in your country. You can also see how many cases are doubling. You can check the daily cases, critical cases and the tests done. You can view the spread in the states and cities near you.

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👋 Hello hunters! :) Few months back, I launched the first version of Coronavirus Tracker on Product Hunt. It's been a crazy adventure since then. Today I launch the second iteration of Coronavirus Tracker. I made everything on this site mostly by myself 😏 so I'm super excited. 📖 Story This started back in January when I came to know about coronavirus and I thought I should try to contribute whatever I can to help. Also this is going to be useful and impact people who want to visit different countries. So I quickly built the tracker for all the affected countries. 🚀 Now Since then It has been used by more than 500K people. So I made a lot of improvement and added many useful features and states and cities information for more than 40 countries. 👉 Features ✅ Check curve flattening and growth rate in your country ✅ Find doubling days of coronavirus in your country ✅ See the current infected, recovered, sick and dead toll in 210 countries ✅ See the current daily cases in every country around the world ✅ See the current critical cases in every country around the world ✅ See the current total tests done in every country around the world ✅ See coronavirus stats at State level data for more than 40 countries ✅ See coronavirus stats at City level data for 10 countries like US, Australia, UK, India and more ✅ Dark Mode 🛠 Making I coded, designed and built Visa List using VueJS for the frontend, Firebase for backend using Cloud functions. The data is fetched from WHO, CDC, EDCD, and worldometers and updated every half an hour. 💖 Thanks I think every person should explore the world around them and would have faced the problem I faced, so could find value in what I have built. So I would love to know what you think of this and would be more than happy to hear your suggestions and feature requests. Let me know what you want to be added or removed or do I need to build something entirely! Stay Home, Stay Safe Love, HaKr!
Ben McCarthy
Super important product. Very interesting to see the global statistics on display
@benmcc thanks mate!
Alexander Isora 🦄
Thanks for the tracker, Hari!
@alexanderisora Just doing my bit to help in this pandemic
Jérémy Chevallier
I broke it trying to see Map on mobile D: The visualization is very intuitive and easy to understand though! Well done. Does “Daily cases” mean daily NEW cases?
@pocketfreud Yes, can you tell me what was broken, so i can fix it?
@pocketfreud sorry to hear that, can you share a screenshot and the url which you tried? i tried to message you but your dm is not open on twitter. I would really appreciate the help.
nagarjuna amjuri
Such a nice tracker for everything!! Loved it..!
@nagarjuna_amjuri1 Thanks, do share and spread awareness
Tony Mitchell
Thanks, this is really great. Nice design as well.
@tony_mitchell I'm glad you liked the design.
Darshan Gajara
Very useful. Thanks for putting this together, Hari.
@weirdowizard doing my bit. If you have any feedback, let me know.
Sanjay Mysoremutt
Very beautiful - excellent craftmanship and user interface. Will add any ideas that may come to mind
@msanjay75 Cheers!
Lyondhür Picciarelli
Can't centre the map on New Zealand or Australia (left sticky..) :(
Ashwin Kumar
Nice! Very detailed