Kevin William David

Visafoto - Get your passport photo online in 2 seconds

Get your passport size photo from selfie at in 2 seconds.
Pass rate is impressive 99.7%.
Automatic crop and background replacement.
700+ photo formats for all countries for visas, passports and IDs.
24/7 support and money back guarantee.

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Константин Лысенко
Hello! @Nastya Mikeyeva I want to get promo code as you provide it on this page - And would like to us you - do you have discounts for bulk photo editing like 50-100 fotos once?
Nastya Mikeyeva
@new_user_3102f69431 Hi, To get a discount, please subscribe to our upcoming page:
Nastya Mikeyeva
@new_user_3102f69431 Please write to and tell about discount for 50-100 people in your letter
Nastya Mikeyeva
@johanna_cruz1 I have sent you email from our support team email
Nastya Mikeyeva
@new_user_3102f69431 What is your email? Please send it to me at
Nastya Mikeyeva
Hi Product Hunters, Thanks @kevin for hunting our project! was created to take ID photos conveniently. Get a photo online, no need to go anywhere. Here are 5 reasons to use 1) Fantastic pass rate of 99.7% by government agencies. 2) Photos made at Visafoto are perfect when you apply online for visas, passports, ID cards, driving licenses and other documents. 3) Your baby or toddler will stay at home. No need to take them to a photo studio or pharmacy. 4) You will look amazing on your photo, as you can choose the best selfie in the comfort of your home. 5) There are ID and visa photos for USA, UK, Canada, China, India, Australia, Singapore, Russia and all other countries all over the world.
Juan Sarmiento
@kevin @mikeyeva that's the kind of projects I really love, simple and straightforward, congratulations!
Nastya Mikeyeva
@juanpablosarmi Thank you!
Jon Price
what do you do with the photos users capture or upload from the site, after you generate the passport-compatible formats?
Nastya Mikeyeva
@jonprice we do nothing, we don't sell it to third parties
Jon Price
@mikeyeva great! do you immediately delete them, store them in a cloud service for a certain period of time, keep them until I request you to delete them, something else?
Nastya Mikeyeva
@jonprice We store them for some time, then delete them
LF Mawia
I started using Visafoto this year. I am really fortunate to subscribe to this company. It is easy and simple, and also very good quality. This is the kind of project I love and enjoy. Gorgeous, highly appreciated.
Nastya Mikeyeva
@lf_mawia Thanks a lot for your kind words! Appreciate that
LF Mawia
I started using Visafoto this year. I do recommend this product and no regretting.
Nastya Mikeyeva
@lf_mawia Thanks!
Вася Игрушкин
Я зарегистрировался. Где обещанный промокод на скидку 50%?
Nastya Mikeyeva
Тот же ответ, что и для Константина Лысенко
Serge Mikeyev
Hi Product Hunters, Thanks Kevin for hunting our project! is your personal passport photographer. Have you used it? Please tell us about your experience.
Вася Игрушкин - фейковый сайт. После регистрации никаких скидок не даёт. Поддержка с сайта visafoto в лице Уважаемого Pavel Create сообщил мне, что партнерство producthunt и visafoto приостановлено. Скидки не предоставляются. Жаль потерянного времени и досадно, что меня попросту обманули.