Kat Manalac

Embrace - Crashlytics + Fullstory on steroids

Embrace helps mobile devs find every error, recreate every session on command, and fix bugs in minutes. Think of those freezes during startup, broken purchases & unsolved crashes. Wish, Goat & OkCupid solve all of these with Embrace and debug so much faster.

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Eric Futoran (Fuf)
Hi everyone! Much thanks, Kat, for hunting and appreciate the support of YC! My name is Eric, co-founder of Embrace and previously of Scopely (Walking Dead, Yahtzee, Star Trek). Embrace was founded to improve every user’s mobile experience whether our own or mobile developers. When building games, I was the 'best' finder of bugs (as CxOs and PMs often are and to the chagrin of the mobile team). Outside of crashes, there was no feedback loop. Feature analytics and logging tools didn’t help. What I wanted was to look myself up on command and reproduce what occurred. Reproducing on mobile is impossible. Embrace tracks every user and every session so that you can recreate any session, good or bad. Think of us as user flows + logging + monitoring in one session visualized, along with a set of easy-to-use tools to proactively find every type of error. Upon implementing in 15 mins, developers always find unknown errors upon going live, and save over 40% of their time diagnosing and fixing bugs. We are lucky to have 30+ customers already, including Wish (solved their 2nd biggest crash), OkCupid (fixed an unknown bootstrap error), and Headspace (found a critical network call that should have fired but didn't - their server tools were blind). Looking forward to everyone’s feedback! Thank you!
Isaac Hui
@eric_futoran Super excited about this announcement! Love the product and we're always looking to improve!
Juan Carrillo
@eric_futoran Very excited to have this out! Looking forward to hearing people's feedback!
Kohei Hisakuni
@eric_futoran Embrace FTW! Excited for people to check out what we've been working on!
Fredric Newberg
@eric_futoran Very excited to share this with everybody and let you see the features that have led so many cool apps to integrate our service!
Edward Seim
@eric_futoran Much love for Embrace! Really excited for people to see all that we have to offer!
Jason Yeh
I dunno, @eric_futoran ...Crashlytics reports give us plenty of info to address our mobile bugs quickly ...said no one ever. Really excited for this. Congrats to you and your team!
Kohei Hisakuni
@jayyeh Haha had me in the first half. Thanks Jason!
Fredric Newberg
@jayyeh yeah, there are a lot of devs who are happy that they have more to work with now than just an unhelpful stack trace that somebody handed them, thinking that's all they need to fix the problem
Juan Carrillo
@jayyeh We also track things that you don't get in Crashlytics. We allow you to monitor 3rd party network requests that your backend team just simply doesn't have access to. This is more than just a crash reporting tool. It's a way to know what your app is doing once you release it into the wild.
Christine Hermawan
The dashboard looks awesome - excited to try out a mobile first tool!
Eric Futoran (Fuf)
@christine_hermawan1 Thanks! Let us know what you think!
John Lombardo
Timeline view is awesome
Eric Futoran (Fuf)
@john_lombardo1 Thanks! Awesome catching up yesterday. Wheels in the house!
Juan Carrillo
@john_lombardo1 We've put a lot of hard work into it. Really glad you dig it!
Fredric Newberg
@john_lombardo1 glad you like the timeline! and we have more stuff in the pipeline to make it even more awesome :)
Isaac Hui
@john_lombardo1 awesome! It's a feature we think its super important
David Stahl
Looks neat! Looking forward to debugging with this tool.
Eric Futoran (Fuf)
@sqlsurfer We aim to make debugging faster on iOS and Android. Feedback appreciated!
Peter Shea
This looks great! Can’t wait to see it in the field.
Eric Futoran (Fuf)
@peter_shea1 Reproducing sessions sucks :) Never quite the same. The 'field' is our jam
Matias Boselli
Embrace has lots of metrics I've never seen before on a single tool. It really is a all-in-one product ! Looking forward to use it in our apps !
Edward Seim
@matias_boselli Apart from all the pages we have that show all our metrics, we have a page where you can put exactly the metrics you want.
Fredric Newberg
@matias_boselli we're excited to have you try it out!
Victoria Wilson
I love the mobile focused approach!
Eric Futoran (Fuf)
@victoria_wilson3 Firm believers in the growth of mobile. I wouldnt create a startup in any other space!
Elliott Kipper
I love Embrace! They're my go to, and their support is super helpful and friendly.
Juan Carrillo
@kipper Glad to hear it!
Kohei Hisakuni
@kipper Thanks Elliot! The engineering team works really closely with the support team, so if you have suggestions on other things you want to see in the product let any of us know!
Fredric Newberg
@kipper awesome to hear! our support team will always go above and beyond
Rajiv Ayyangar
“Find every error” this is great! Congrats guys.
Eric Futoran (Fuf)
@rajiv_ayyangar There are a lot of errors with mobile apps...unfortunately for all of us :/
Rajiv Ayyangar
@eric_futoran yeah we really could have used this at Yahoo.
Juan Carrillo
@rajiv_ayyangar We capture network errors, crashes, OOMs, slow app performance, and more! We're super receptive to feedback, so let us know what we can do to make your life easier :)
Trixie Anne Roque
Really awesome stuff! Would love to have a go at this product
Eric Futoran (Fuf)
@trix Thanks so much! Take a look at www.embrace.io and would love your feedback!
Juan Carrillo
@trix We support iOS, Android, and we've also added support for React Native. Let us know what you think!
Doug Clark
Looks awesome - excited to see it in action!
Edward Seim
@doug_clark Thanks! Give it a try. We'd love your feedback Doug.
Matt Cielecki
Great product! Eric and the Embrace team are building something special. Congrats guys!
Kohei Hisakuni
@akorda Thanks! Glad you find it useful!
Win Raguini
Congratulations @eric_futoran and team!! Our mobile team has been working closely with the team at Embrace (whattup @peter_shea1!) for the past few months and have seen amazing progress on their platform. We've gone from reluctant to ecstatic about using Embrace as part of our day-to-day workflow. Go team!!!
Fredric Newberg
@win_raguini thanks for the kind words! awesome to hear that Embrace is in your day-to-day workflow
Juan Carrillo
@win_raguini It's really cool to hear that you guys are getting so much out of it!
Isaac Hui
@win_raguinij Thanks for your support! We love helping mobile teams!
Megan Winter
Wow, you can seem OOMs....I need that! Where do i sign up?
David Stahl
@megan_winter You really should get on it! The tool shows OOMs and so much more! You should visit the website at www.embrace.io
David Carrillo
Never seen such a complete mobile-app debugging tool! Could potentially save a bunch of time.
Eric Futoran (Fuf)
@_davidc17 Thanks David! We aim to please. There is a lot of competition so appreciate any feedback you might have. Take it for a swing!
Christine Hermawan
It's a mobile focused approach to debugging!
David Stahl
@christine_hermawan1 @megan_winter I know, right? I've been waiting for this since like forever.
Juan Carrillo
@christine_hermawan1 Our aim is to give you the same visibility that you have when you're debugging locally but now when your app is out in the wild.
Karina Saryan
Glad more robust solution is on the market.
Edward Seim
@karina_saryan we would love your feedback.
Karina Saryan
Glad more robust solution is on the market
Eric Futoran (Fuf)
@karina_saryan Thank you!! Robust is a good word :)
Koç Barış
It's an awesome product with powerful visibility and monitoring tools for mobile developers. It helped me to figure out some rare and hard to reproduce issues and errors in the wild. Impressed with how fast the data become available compared to other tools I experienced. Congrats to @eric_futoran and the team, also thanks for the friendly and helpful support!
Eric Futoran (Fuf)
@bariskoc Thanks Baris! Go Kuna!
Isaac Hui
@bariskoc Thanks for the kind words!