Craig Smith

Visor - The best way to find the car you want


Visor helps you find the perfect car without showing ads, gamifying results or selling your personal information like other car search sites do. Filter by manufacturer options, see listings on a map, breakdown the entire market and more on Visor.

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Craig Smith

👋 Product Hunt!

My brother and I have spent the last 6 months building Visor and would love your feedback. While other sites are focused on helping dealers sell cars we are focused on helping people buy cars. This is because other sites are supported by dealers by hosting their inventory, selling ads and your personal information as leads from their site. With the support of car buyers we are building the best car search site possible.

Thanks for taking the time to check out the site, we would love to hear what you think of it.


Craig Smith


  1. Other sites are supported by dealer revenue (Ads, lead gen, hosting inventory, etc), whereas Visor is supported by consumers. B2B vs B2C. The other sites share this same business model and thus end up looking and operating largely the same.

  2. Other sites do not allow you to breakdown the market in a price/mileage index, view listings on a map, filter by manufacturer options, have filters respond to each other, etc. I would recommend trying to search for a 2024 Audi Q5 Premium Plus between CarGurus and Visor and note the difference in ease of figuring out where the best deals are in the market between the two.

Matthew Hastings
Launching soon!

Hey guys found a 2022 SQ5 on here that I am excited to go check out this weekend. Good luck guys

Craig Smith


Amazing! So glad to hear that. The B9 generation is so good, love the sound/feedback from the physical buttons and dials.

Cole Smith

Hellooooo PH!

Craig and I built Visor because it seemed like no other site let you truly see the whole market when shopping for a car... so we built a new kind of search site that breaks down the entire market and puts buyers first. We'd love to get your feedback and hope this helps with your next search. Thanks for checking us out!
