VisualCV founder/CEO/coffeemaker here. PH kickstarted a ton of growth for us back in October 2014 - I didn't expect to be posting a product overhaul 2 years later with 1.5 million members. We spent the last 6 months completely redesigning our user experience, adding new features, and rebuilding everything in react.js.
I can't take too much credit - @mikeric built the thing!
Would love to hear your thoughts.
@jamesclift@mikeric Hi James, it's great that you are evolving the platform... and that it is doing well...
What is NOT cool is that you are circumventing the PH platform/principle just to get more traction...
That not only creates a duplicate account on PH but goes against the ideals/idea of PH...
Disappointing... ;(
[That is at least, until PH comes up with Main Project Profile, Sub-Project Profile or Updated Project Concept with limitations for such a thing - like not more than 1 time per 2 years or whatever]
@exlemor Emmanuel, I appreciate your concern, but as a complete product rebuild/redesign/update - we definitely fall under this category in the ProductHunt FAQ's:
"Product updates must be substantial, such as the launch of a mobile app or complete product redesign with new functionality, to be considered for resubmission"
We're not really in need of more traction, we were just stoked to share the new product.
@exlemor I think that's a pretty unfair call. This happens ALL THE TIME on PH. Personally, I think it's great when people post new updates to their product. Sure, you're aiming for more eyeballs when you post here, that's no secret, but seeing a product evolve is amazing and IMHO far better than a pump and dump post like most products on here. I'd rather see a product iterating, evolving and getting better than something being posted for a launch and abandoned 3-6 months down the line (which happens a lot). In my mind PH is not just for product launches but for the evolution of products and the support of makers, whatever they are pursuing.
Kudos @jamesclift@mikeric and the rest of the team! Saw the first post on PH and the product has come a long way! I think the other testimonials on here speak volumes.
@ekryski Hi Eric, I'm sorry if you don't agree with the call and I totally agree that it happens far too often on PH [I wish they would strengthen their algorithm in that respect for sure]... but that doesn't mean that we shouldn't call out when duplicates arise to protect the platform which is otherwise great.
That said, I am ALL for following product/makers evolutions but again, that's where PH should step in and allow for something like a Product Update which takes the original profile page and makes it quite clear it's an updated product - similar to review sites like Yelp which have the original review and then an updated review [even though Yelp is probably not a great example just couldn't think of one right now]...
And it would be also awesome if PH built some sort of archive for project/products/services which are no longer in existence [perhaps a check against the domain that's registered or something a bit smarter than that].
Until such time, we need as a community to call out duplicates/issues etc because otherwise we will very quickly get overwhelmed with the spam/dupes/etc which is already becoming quite common as you pointed out Eric... and it will completely dilute the quality of PH which would be really sad... kind of like Craigslist has grown to a marketplace/platform where like 60% of ads are fake or spammers or etc...
This is no way diminishes Visual CV's capabilities or features, the product stands on its own merit as being a good solid product.
@exlemor It's clear you're passionate about this community, which is appreciated. I agree that a community should call out spammers, and that the product update feature on profiles would be a good one. The archive feature would also be super useful.
However, we built VisualCV - not Product Hunt. If you disagree with the current PH product, I'm sure they'd appreciate your feedback - but it is not fair to say we're explicitly "circumventing the PH platform/principle just to get more traction..." or "going against the ideals of PH."
We are literally following a rule that they wrote themselves in their FAQs by posting a complete redesign and rebuild of our product 2.5 years after we were first on here. And trust me, it is a completely new product.
Thanks for the kind words about our capabilities and features, but I'd more appreciate kind words about our character - we're in it to do things the right way.
@dredurr thanks Deandre. If you're 5 and looking for your first job, VisualCV lets you easily create a resume that will get you that job. We're basically Squarespace for your resume/portfolio.
@jamesclift I used VisualCV before, it's really amazing. The layouts are beautiful and professional, it's easy to use, and when applying or networking it's much easier to send a trackable link to an up-to-date resume than a static file called RESUME-final-2.pdf .
Looking forward to NOT needing to use it for a while, but congrats on a great product :)
@followsol Thanks @sol! So great to hear. Aha that's one issue with our product that we're happy with - if it works we lose our customers :). We do help a lot of freelancers/consultants that need a constantly updated resume/CV/portfolio. Check out (very beta) - that's our next project to help people who are already employed!
This is a cool product. Smooth and easy to use. Using it feels like a Wordpress pagebuilder actually. I think it will be cool to be able to embed my visual CV into my "About" page on my personal website. Thanks for the good work! :)
@jamesclift those are super helpful features! With the history rollback, it seems to save the Resume after every time I click out of the editable fields or add new fields, so is it saving all of those revisions and is there like a max number of revisions going into the rollback? It seems like it could become quite a large history with how often things save.
I got an email about a "quiet" launch of mobile apps, were those built with React-native? I'm curious if the rebuild on React was prompted by not only the benefit of speed but getting mobile apps too.
@jamesclift do you have any stats on how having a visual resume gives you a better chance of getting hired than a normal one? I've seen stats like that on other resume sites like Kickresume, but wasn't sure how these were quantified or if it was just for marketing purposes
@cody_coe it depends on the context. We're not necessarily a "visual resume" tool - you can create a normal resume for a traditional application or something more creative. I do know the combination of traditional resume + really nice web resume is very effective. Anecdotally, we know that a TON of our users are very successful with our product - we are planning some studies to back up that data.
I am not comfortable signing up for something that I cannot see what are the price options and features. If that information is there, it is not easy to find. Not something I will be recommending at this point.
So many gorgeous templates, some that turned my idea of what a resume could be on its head. Easily filled all the little details from my LinkedIn page, so all that was left was to conjure up those eloquent humble-brags that are the difference between getting hired and pounding the pavement.
Stunning visuals, web hosting with ability to connect to your domain name, allows for several version so you can tailor for several markets
No spell checker, but my browser took care of that
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So many gorgeous templates, some that turned my idea of what a resume could be on its head. Easily filled all the little details from my LinkedIn page, so all that was left was to conjure up those eloquent humble-brags that are the difference between getting hired and pounding the pavement.
Pros:Stunning visuals, web hosting with ability to connect to your domain name, allows for several version so you can tailor for several markets
Cons:No spell checker, but my browser took care of that