Ben Awad

Voidpet - A self care app where you collect monsters based on emotions


Descend into the void, and befriend mysterious creatures that spawn from your emotions. Nurture your oasis through mindfulness and self care. Collect all of the rare species that visit your garden of consciousness!

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Ben Awad
Hey hunters 👋 Linda and I are excited to share the Voidpet app with you! We spent the last 13 months building a multiplayer web game where we developed the Voidpet lore and world. After experimenting with some small self-care activities in the game, we were overwhelmed with positive feedback and people begging for us to make a dedicated experience for it. This app is our take on a fun little self care journal that helps you reflect on yourself while still being a pet collection game. As you continue to set aside time for wellness, work on your feelings, and practice kindness, you'll progress towards befriending all the rare species in the void.
Brittany Joiner {Britt the Builder}
I'm pretty bad at apps for tracking emotions/journaling/etc, so I'm not entirely sure I'd use this, but i kinda like the approach of thinking of your emotions as separate entities from you that you collect and watch. Probably a good practice for removing yourself from things and remember we are not our feelings. I'll queue up to my list of things to try out!
Linda Shad
@britt_joiner Glad you put it that way! The concept of separating yourself from your emotions and observing them is the core inspiration behind our game 😃 Emotional naming, CBT, and the concept of “deconstructing the self” are all about learning to identify our emotions separately - and that’s what this little fantasy world is supposed to help portray :)
Linda Shad
Excited to share Voidpet with you all today! 🤩
Olga Neudakh
Congratulations Voidpeton the launch on Product Hunt! I like your logo and colors! I have 2 little question. I can use your app free or need pay? And can I use it offline?
Linda Shad
@olga_neudakh Thank you! It’s an offline app that you can play for free. You can sign up for our subscription if you want extra cosmetics and more storage though 😁
Heleana Grace
This makes me feel like I'm catching Pokemon while taking care of myself, and I'm SO here for it. 😊 What a wonderful initiative to add some fun into self-care. Congrats on the launch!
Linda Shad
@heleana thank you!! i’m so glad it feels that way - that was the feeling we were going for 🥰
I love the concept, soft/pastel design and goal! You are the kind of project I want to see more often on Product Hunt, you are creating something so different but that's what makes it beautiful and valuable. Keep it up @benawad97 and @lindashad, you got all my support !! And congrats on the launch!
Linda Shad
@steevep Thank you!! Really glad to hear that you like it, and appreciate the kind words 🥰
Alexandra Bjargardóttir
Congrats on the launch 🥳 what a great idea, can't wait to try it! I love that your users thought that the self-care part was so good it should be a standalone experience 👏
Linda Shad
@alexandrabjarg Thank you!!! ❤️
Diogo Capela
Good luck with your launch! Great to see Voidpet finally being rolled out, it looks neat! Congratz 🙌
Linda Shad
@diogocapela Thank you!!
Greg Gotsis
Awesome idea. Would y’all ever consider using an on chain backend for certain interactions?
Linda Shad
@giga_greg thank you!! We decided not to build on chain because we didn’t want our early community to be in it for the $, and we felt that crypto wasn’t at a point yet where it would improve the experience for mainstream players. Happy to keep an open mind as the technology and user perceptions around it evolve over time :)
Greg Gotsis
@lindashad Don't blame yall! Just curious of how the team thought about these things as it introduces nice growth loops :)
It looks like a lot of work has gone into this, and I am excited to get my hand on this. What was trickier than you expected and what is next? :)
Linda Shad
@supnim thank you!! I think the trickiest part was trying to balance self care with the pokemon-inspired collection experience. A lot of choices had to be made in sacrificing complexity for a smooth, simple, user experience. We’ll see how the app goes, and then decide what’s next from there! In the meantime, we also have our multiplayer rpg on 😄
Congrats on the launch Ben!
love the app waiting for my next pet to be captured :D
Linda Shad
@email_alt hehe thank you! We tried to time the spawns so that they’d happen in healthy intervals for people to take breaks from work and such 😁
Alec Dewitz
Congrats on the launch, Ben and Linda! I've been looking forward to this for the past year. Can't wait to play around with it!
Devin Ford
The app has been pretty great so far, but what has been really special was getting to see the project evolve through the YouTube videos and twitter posts. I’m having fun so far collecting the pets, and I’m excited to see where it goes from here! Congratulations to both Linda and Ben on the awesome launch!
alan dweck
Looking so amazing, @lindashad @benawad97! The artwork is incredible, and the speed + quality of what you two build is just 🤯. It's been incredible to watch the journey since launch - and I'm downloading your new App now :) Excited to check it out & play!!
Dara Khan
creative take on self-care. great for self reflection. best of luck with the launch.
Ivan Ralic
This is definitely one of the best ideas I've ever saw around helping people with mental hygiene 😄 Simply awesome 😄
Ashish Sandhu
That's a cute mascot.
Really love the idea ! Great work also the design and the names of differents levels and emotions are super mindful