Freaking awesome. Good results on the few tests I've run -- would love to know how it works under the hood. Is it running through some databases, automatically validating existence w/in a pre-defined set of known patterns, etc.
Regardless, this is sweet.
@comptly It's likely generating the most common permutations of first name/last name, then checking the domain's mailserver to see if an email address is showing indications of activity for that variation. see:
also similar:
There are three main ways to validate an email address:
- ping the email address (which is what this script seems to be doing)
- check whois records
- use a wrapper for the Rapportive API (
Doesn't look like Norbert is checking for catchall addresses, which is pretty easy to do. If xXx@target.domain validates, you can be 99% sure there's a catchall.
That said, I think Norbert's user friendly interface is probably going to lead to a lot of abuse / spam.
@nealrs@_jacksmith@comptly@target The next implementation will do a check of a catch-all address, amongst many other things, and will be online pretty soon ;)
@antor Hi :) It would work in the reason that Norbert would find emails, but it's not guaranteed that the email you are looking for belong to the person you are searching. It's better suited for company domains.
Hi guys and thank you for your great comments. I'll do my best to answer all your questions :
1. We decided to limit the queries in order to avoid abuse. The limit is reseted every day. But we also found that some SMTP hosts block us if we do too many searchs (for the same reasons I believe).
2. In some case, you will find that every emails are found. As @neal_shyam indicated, we don't check for catch-all but we can implement it easily. It something we plan in the next release of Voila Norbert.
3. It seems to work with GMail (we were also surprised ;)), the drawback is that there is so much users on GMail that you will probably have many emails found, but you won't have any guarantee which one is the user you are looking for.
The purpose of Voila Norbert to be able to find easily the email address of someone working on a company to contact him. The main idea is to be able to send an email to the CEO instead of at some support@...., even if the email is not present on the website.
Thank you again guys for your comments, it felt great to read them :)
@cx42net@neal_shyam Hi, i like ur service by hate limits. Let me be a beta tester for subscription, where i have more limits. Usually i do 50-100 requests in continue 3-4 hours per day from my IP. And immediately got i a ban after 5-6 requests :( send me email to alex (at) please details...
@alexvinogradov4 Hey, thank you for your interest, we're working on the new version that should be online pretty soon. I'll drop you a mail once we're almost ready to let you try it before.
Hey guys,
I just wanted to let you know that we released a new version of VoilaNorbert that aims to fix the false positive and catch-all errors. We also implemented paid plans in case some of us are interest for more.
We have yet to improve the mobile experience (none so far) but this will be done in the day.
Please let me know what you think :)
@clarklab Agreed. Been looking for a slick way to do this for ages. They tend to either not work well or get shut down. Hope Norbert sticks around. Kudos to whoever whipped this together.
Great validation because you have to know someone's first name, last name and domain. It's basically checking all the permutations. This is easy enough to do from a spam account, but this makes it easier.
It still doesn't mean the person you write is going to respond :-).
That said, I just did a quick check for my own email @ and it got it completely wrong. So maybe there are defenses that ISP's can put up against this.
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