Dmitry Dragilev

Vooza - Hilarious videos about the BS of startup life

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Matt Ruby
Thanks Dmitry and hello Product Hunters! If you're sick of pivots, unicorns, hackathons, mission statements, and “it's like Uber for ____” pitches, you're gonna love Vooza. We make funny videos that call bullsh*t on the tech world. We've been mentioned by tech world bigwigs like Tim Ferriss, David Karp, Jason Fried, Steve Case, and plenty more. And we've gotten millions of views and been featured in Wired, NY Times, Entrepreneur, etc. Some of the buzz on Vooza: “Comedic genius” -Forbes “A must watch” -The Next Web “Hilarious” -Huffington Post So if you need a quick break from all that startup Kool Aid, check out our site. We put a new video up every Wednesday. And fyi, we also make branded content and custom videos for tech companies that “get it.” And we'd love your feedback on the videos too. If you have questions or comments, you can email me personally at matt[at] You can also tweet me @voozahq (lots of funny startup jokes there too) or @mattruby. OK, we could insert some "we're making a dent in the universe in a meaningful way” statement here but you know that's crap so just check us out for a laugh or two and then get back to work. ; )
@mattruby @voozahq I remember when your second video came out some time ago (Radimparency) and I thought it was hilarious but never saw anything else for some reason. Super excited to see you all have been cranking out content. Binge watch here I come!
Matt Ruby
@andrewkemendo Right on. Be sure to subscribe to our newsletter so you stay in the loop ➜
Sebastian Kreutzberger
I'm a big fan since years. It's funny that Vooza just now appears on PH, for many folks I know it is already a startup classic. Anyway, it is a 100% recommendation for everyone who lives behind a tech startup distortion's field - the videos show how much BS is going on every day and makes great fun of it.
Matt Ruby
@skreutzb Thanks, Seb. Your comment is exactly what we're going for so great to hear. May even have to start using the phrase "startup distortion field." Haha.
Dmitry Dragilev
@skreutzb I freakin' love these, this is probably one of my favorites:
Jeremie Berrebi
Just hilarious. Never heard about Vooza before 😄
Matt Ruby
@jberrebi Thanks and welcome to the Vooza fold. Subscribe here if ya want to be first to know on our future stuff: Rock on.
Jeremie Berrebi
@mattruby done :-)
Ryan Hoover
LOL @ "jam sess" (from the first video). cc @sacca @mazzeo (for the record: I like jam sessions)
Matt Ruby
@rrhoover @sacca @mazzeo Thanks, Ryan. Pumped to be featured here at PH.
Steven Rueter
Watched the first few, pretty funny.
Matt Ruby
@rueter Thanks Steven. Appreciate that. New eps every Wednesday so come on back.
Steven Rueter
@mattruby you guys should really do one about startup failures. Entrepreneurs love to talk about their startup failures that led to their eventual success.
Matt Ruby
@rueter Oh yeah, got one just like that here: ...any other suggested topics?
Aadil F
What you actually do or had done before these videos?
Matt Ruby
@aadilfarooq I was employee #1 at 37signals (now Basecamp). More info avail here:
Nabeel Hanif
class act! i liked the way the guy said this "That is why its is very crucial to hear the voices of both men anddddd (with a long pause) women so we can pool together the intellectual resources to encourage both imagination and innovation"
Matt Ruby
@nabeel_hanif Thanks for watching!
Laurel Jensen
Nicely done! Lightened up my day - have to turn it off to focus - really funny :) I will be back.
Matt Ruby
@beuntangled Thanks Laurel! We'll be here when you come on back. And sign up for our newsletter to stay in the loop ➜
Eli Katz
thanks for the laughs and irreverence! i enjoy this.
Matt Ruby
@eli_katz Thanks much Eli.
Loren Sands-Ramshaw
Here are a few I liked: Also some gems from following @voozahq: "We have no cash flow and no profit but we are a tech company so IT IS ALL GOING TO WORK OUT FINE." "We're not going broke, we're pre-revenue. Also: I'm not single, I'm just pre-girlfriend." Do you like it too? Join me in supporting on Patreon: 🙌
Matt Ruby
@lorendsr @voozahq You rock LSR! ; )
These are amazing. Bravo! Reminds me of "Startup Guys" by CollegeHumor.
Matt Ruby
@liora_ Bravo received! Thanks so much. ; ) Please join our newsletter if you want updates on our future stuff:
Julie Chabin
🤔 What was I doing before watching these videos?
Matt Ruby
@syswarren Wasting your life. ; )
Wo King
Will be using it. Just looking for something like this
Matt Ruby
@mywoisme Sweet!
Amol Sarva
Love this series. Little known fact: many are filmed at @Knotel Flatiron! We love Vooza
Matt Ruby
@amol @knotel Great space!
Haseeb Awan
Watched couple of vidoes and subscribed as well. Looks like all the startups are same :)
Matt Ruby
@haseeb We're all being poisoned by the same tech blogs so it makes sense. Haha.
Monica S. Flores
This is the funniest show, and the few episodes I have seen so far are all spot on: #frozeneggs #makervsmanager #knownunknownbugs 😂😂😂