Matt Carroll

How to navigate between terminal tabs in VS Code? (and other power user shortcuts?)

I often find myself having a few tabs / terminals open in the "terminal pane", how do i cycle between them in the keyboard?

I would really love for each terminal to be another "file" that I can navigate to by normal means, but barring that I would be happy with a keyboard shortcut for cycling those lower tabs!

also any other shortcuts you use an unreasonable amount that you feel like people dont know?

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steve beyatte

For switching between terminal tabs, you can set your custom keybindings for:

workbench.action.terminal.focusNext workbench.action.terminal.focusPrevious

The defaults for VS Code are:

  • Move to previous terminal - Ctrl+PageUp (macOS Cmd+Shift+])

  • Move to next terminal - Ctrl+PageDown (macOS Cmd+shift+[)

  • Focus terminal tabs view - Ctrl+Shift+\ (macOS Cmd+Shift+\)

Mike Kerzhner

@steveb I end up re-maping shortcuts like this. I don't even know what PageUp is. Also anything that involves a "function" key is a non-starter.

Matt Carroll

@mikekerzhner do you have any shortcuts for this?

Mike Kerzhner

@catt_marroll I actually don't! I usually split the terminal into 2. One side runs the app. The other side is my "control side": rails console, rspec runs, etc. So I effectively never touch one of the sides.

I did remap Ctrl+k to switch focus from editor to terminal (and back). I use that shortcut all the time.