I'm hugely skeptical of these... Premium product, amazing features, relatively low cost, and far off release date almost always spell trouble. These things don't even ship until late next year, and that's without a single delay (and delays ALWAYS happen). I can't believe they've already raised so much, I would think people would be a little more leery by now!
Seems really nice! 😎
The only thing that could be a problem for me is charging.
If you wish to use it as your everyday glasses, you can't wait X hours to be able to put them on again.
@ramykhuffash Of course, but I mean you need to put them off to charge them so how do you actually see? You have to get a spare, so it could be a point for their sales team 🙀
Really interested in how the quality of the audio is going to be. On the Kickstarter page there's also a video where the prototype is shown, and it seems that when Aaron puts the glasses back on is own head the sound is still picked-up by the camera. Which means that when I'm playing music on my Vue, people around me will also enjoy my great music taste (which could become a problem in co-working spaces etc.).
My first thought was prescriptions since I wear glasses; that was quickly answered. Interesting that prescriptions cost the same as non-prescriptions though.
Just like smart watches, the design/size of the frames seem to be focused on men.
I really love the video and as a glasses wearer, if this was an option I'd totally go for it. I feel like it is one of those products reaching for the stars and trying to do too much, especially for a V1 and for a new team. Activity tracking is really difficult to get right and these wouldn't work that well in a gym-type environment or for swimming. If I were them, I'd suggest leaving activity tracking out and focusing on the other use cases. Notifications, customizable tap actions and bone conduction for audio are all ambitious and would make for a very compelling device. Just because it can be done doesn't mean it should be.
The biggest competitor here is AirPods and similar products, like the Dash. With the AirPods still being useable with one in your ear, you get many of the same benefits of the Vue without needing to wear glasses.
I really want to see this product succeed as it could be quite compelling.
I think all the tech here is pretty possible and should be deliverable. The Jins Meme glasses does similar stuff with tracking tech, and bone conducting audio has been around for a while but I think anyone that thinks this will replace their headphones is kidding themselves.
That said I think they should rethink how they are marketing these things. This is exactly what Google Glass set out to be (minus the camera) but couldn’t because its form factor and approach was so in your face (literally and metaphorically). This (potentially) gives you a far less-invasive way to receive actionable notifications that doesn’t break the flow as say a smartwatch or taking your phone out would. For me, the use case would fit in well for how I structure my work day, nearly every minute scheduled with alerts with a Pomodoro type structure. I also need to be notified of things through the day but don't want to have to take my eyes off of what I am doing so audio notifications work well for me.
I mean, ultimately, this is just another tiny step towards the cool form factor AR glasses of our sci-fi dreams but its a useful step for me.
Having been one of those backers of ZionEyez who were duped out of $150 I can say that this feels way less scamy than those, also Kickstarter is more sensitive to bullshit claims and have kicked out projects without working prototypes. And although I can say that every other kickstarter I have funded I have received the thing I was funding and all promises were delivered, they should really try to at least get the prototypes into the hands of some tech journalists to at least show they are real, like the guys at Doppler Labs with the Here headphones.
If they can also put an option for blue light blocking lenses in there (for those who stare at screens all day like me) then I think this would be a great work gadget/accessory. (and would also give them some use if they run out of battery)
Do Not Buy!!! I waited 3 years for my order to be delivered, and was so excited to get my glasses. I opened them up, followed the instructions, and they do not pair to my phone. I have emailed and contacted Vue 4 times, and have had no response in over 2 months! I paid $250 for these glasses and they do not work.
Tap Fury
Waterbomber Wildfire Tracker
Halo Sport