Hey Product Hunters, I'm the CEO/Founder of VUE. We won the 2014 LAUNCH Hackathon for VUE, a mobile app analytics platform that tracks all user interactions with one line of code! We are launching our private beta and looking to open up to product hunters first, comment below that you want immediate access and I'll add you! Check out our pitch and support early here! https://ramen.is/projects/get-vu...
Quite the journey since then @rrhoover. We started with a mobile annotation iOS SDK that sent images to a PM solution to understand what users thought, but it wasn't taking and not very scalable.
It got to the point that I had run out of money and was living on my friends couch in Oakland. I'd had the idea for automatic mobile analytics from talking to our mobile customers for our PM solution and re-focusing on our initial market of mobile, but didn't have the stage or money to present it on.
So the LAUNCH Hackathon was coming around and my two options were literally:
1) Win the hackathon and take the funding and off to the races
2) Get a job... :(
Fortunately I won the hackathon with VUE and are now in private beta and looking for first users from the Product Hunt community!
Medical Research Summarizer
Product Hunt
Medical Research Summarizer