Chris Messina

Wallpaper Wizard 2 - Wow-worthy backgrounds for Mac

Top Hunter

For Wallpaper Wizard 2, we curate backgrounds that are pure visual gold to spare you the tedium of image search in Google. You can pick as many wallpapers as you like, add them all to Roll, and get a gorgeous new desktop as often as you like — be it every week or every 15 minutes.

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Hey Product Hunters, I’m from the Wallpaper Wizard team. We’ve put a lot of effort into this app and we’re celebrating our launch today! 🚀 Ask me anything or just share your thoughts so we can make the best wallpaper app in the universe :)
Daria Staverska
@_n1ks The app looks really great, congrats! What is the source for the pictures?
Alexey Pedosenko
@daria_staverska1 Part of the images are licensed from Depositphotos, all of them are part of the curated collection.
@daria_staverska1 Thanks for the question! In short, we have several sources: websites with CC0 images (unsplash, pixabay), personal connections with authors and also we’ve partnered with so part of the content is licensed from them. Also, we have an editorial team who manually select images and group them into nice collections by theme + there is an integration under the hood, so each image is tagged to simplify search in the app.
@_n1ks Just curious and not wanting to criticise one of my fave companies, but you mention 'launch' and 'a lot of effort', but for a 1.9.4 version that happens to share the name and functionality with the old HD wallpaper app Wallpaper Wizard by VOX makers Coppertino, can you share what differentiates the two? Or is it the same app, with a brand new UI? Also: will there be a trial version? And what's the price of the in-app purchase?
@_n1ks Reading the reviews helps I guess. The in-app purchase is $5, so the total cost will be $15. Also: no 5K Wallpapers yet.
Pavlo Pedenko
Also, if you didn't know, Wallpaper Wizard 2 is also available as a part of Setapp subscription (along with other 87 apps for a monthly fee of $9.99). Learn more here:
Hi, Product hunters! We are really thrilled to introduce you a new app in our MacPaw Family! It is a bit different App than we usually do. We hope that with Wallpaper Wizard 2 your Mac will never look boring. We have handpicked more than 25,000 of only Retina Wallpapers that will perfectly fit any(up to 5) of your Mac Screens. Please enjoy! :) It is now available on Setapp: and the MacAppStore.
Mark Beare
Are we really back to selling wallpapers and screensavers again?
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
@mark_beare as long as there are desktops, there will be folks who provide wallpapers for them!
Alexey Pedosenko
Excuse me, Yosemite National Park, I won't be bored with your landscapes anymore. Congrats to the team 🤗 Happy to be a part of it with Depositphotos curated collection. Stay tuned with WallWizz, it's gonna be updated with new gems from us soon.
Absolutely love the stuff MacPaw are doing. They develop some absolutely amazing apps, and so I'm excited to try this out :)
Pavlo Pedenko
Congratulations! 🔥🔥🔥
Hipster!!!!! Apple bold headlines ✔️ Gorgeous design ✔️ Mac only ✔️ Useless app that solves a fabricated need ✔️ Welcome to the world of Hipster development!!!
Juan Buis
this is a very good looking app — definitely reminiscent of apple's redesigned app store / apple music
@juanbuis Ha, thanks! Interesting that we started before Apple showed their new design and were glad that we caught this design trend :)
Sam Ayres
10 dollars for an app or download an assortment of wallpapers, put them in a folder and set your mac to change picture every day for free. 🤔
Alice  Kotlyarenko
@sam_ayres Isn't this something you can say about the absolute majority of apps? You can do most stuff manually, for free, but if paying a few bucks can spare you the time and pain it takes, it's probably worth it.
Sam Ayres
@alice_kotlyarenko I'm just curious how the price was decided, 10 dollars for an app is a lot when you can recreate it's purpose in under 10 minutes? Especially when there are free alternatives like wallcat ( You are right about being able to do a lot of paid app stuff, manually for free, fair point.
Alice  Kotlyarenko
@sam_ayres Well, you can also find a song you like on iTunes in under 10 minutes, but why would you want to do that if there's Spotify with millions of songs that are already there and already good? I guess it all boils down to how much you want/like/need what the app does.
Nazar Gulyk
Nice job, guys!
Vlad Stan
It looks like it's not currently available on App Store US. Any plans?
@vladstan Oops, fixed that link:) Thanks!
Jamie Lawrence
Wallpaper Wizard is the mac wallpaper app I've been looking for! Really great photos, multi-display support (for an extra in-app purchase), simple to configure. I rarely see my desktop but I like having something different on the lock screens
Jamie Lawrence
I was about to complain that the images don't fill the desktop. If you encounter this, you need to go to your System Preferences -> Desktop & Screensaver -> change *each display* to "Fill Screen"
Avi Barit
Using on my mac as part of Setapp subscription. Simple and easy to use. All the magnificent nature backgrounds a person could want.
GJ! 👏
Nathan Schorr
@_n1ks downloaded the app - 9.99 is a lot but still paid - set it to a wallpaper I liked but every time I switch between desktops... Wallpaper Wizard 2 goes back to the first wallpaper that comes default. no upvote from me!
@nathan_schorr Hello Nathan, probably there is a default wallpaper changer turned on ( settings->desktop & screen saver -> uncheck 'change picture'). If that won't help would be glad to help you, just ping our
Nathan Schorr
@macpaw @_n1ks Wallpaper Wizard doesn't work with multiple desktops, bummer for me and all the other multiple desktop users!
@macpaw @nathan_schorr This feature will be shipped out very soon :)
Vlad Stan
Can I add my own pics? Also, I want to have some desktops with a fixed pic, and only the rest of the screens with random pics. Is it possible?
@vladstan We have 3 modes for switching between desktops but the thing you mentioned coming very soon, stay tuned!
Andrea Boi
Beautiful app :)
Mark Gjaltema

From the overview of your favorite playlists, it would be nice to see what has been added to your roll. I see myself adding many of your curated lists and changing this over time. So it would be a matter of adding a "switch" button to add or remove the favorite playlists from my roll.


nice interface, reminds me of spotify


add favorite playlists to roll with less clicks