Get offers at your chosen salary
Salary Checker Chatbot — Discover how much you should be paid
Based on a large database of comparative salary data, the salary checker let you know in a few seconds if you get paid what you deserve. Just send a text to +(1) 833 309 1600 or +(44) 7476 563500 and follow the instructions.
Gilli Sigurdsson
Looks very useful, nice work!
Stephen Campbell
I’d be shocked to know I was making 77% more than other PMs in my area, but that’s what it spit out.
Text Message only? Similar to Magic ;) Remember this service?
Balazs Alexa
@oncejean Hm, Magic...? :))
@oncejean @balanyo What was it about?
Olga Annenko
How reliable is the database that this salary checker uses? Because if it is reliable, I'm in shock at how small my current salary is compared to what it is supposed to be 😱😱😱 Putting this fact aside, though, the tool is indeed really super easy and fun to use! I'd say, the best I've seen so far.
Nicolas Pinto
Like Magic indeed, love it!
Sacha Pavan
Another great app !
@sachaodm mercii!
Wooooo, once again, Wanted provides a new tool to empower programers! This one is awesome!
Balazs Alexa
@poledesfetes Thanks tons man!! And true that :)
Anna Filou
Haha if you enter anything less than 30K, it bumps it up to 30K :) In some countries, that's a LOT of money (because things are far less expensive than they are in more other countries.)
@anna_0x True Anna, we need to fix that. Thanks for pointing it out!
Trisha Pan
Thanks for creating this! With shelter in place (and friends quarantining in other places for a while) and changing jobs, it was interesting to see my opportunity cost and what reasonable expectations were.
Trisha Pan
Update: Didn't realize that this product hunt was for the chatbot, and not the website! Glad I discovered both through this listing. :)
Balazs Alexa
Takes <1 min to see whether you make what you could. Why wouldn’t anyone check
Alex Papageorge
Solid product. Glad to see you keep going! @eva_perry
Norbert Jurga
Although this product is nice & easy to use, telling your users where the data is coming from would make a big difference. In my example (Warsaw, PL) I find these salary ranges quite inaccurate.
Harvey Hodd
Hey guys! Love the desktop version but struggled with the chatbot to pick up job? "Marketing Assistant" isn't picked up
Time to know if you are making the proper salary in your city!
Balazs Alexa
@mario_ea woot woot
Chatbot results: What was your result?
@mario_ea nice, I'd love to see at the end of the day how this will look like!
@eva_perry For now, people is below average...not a surprise right?
Hello fellow Product Hunt community 😀! Knowing how much you're worth is a common question and a necessity when it comes to negotiating your salary that massively lacks reliable data. Because our core product Wanted is all about empowering talent to know their worth, we've built a data-solid salary comparison tool for you to check if you're paid what you deserve. Based on multiple data points from our own talent database, we've very excited to share with you this free and accessible product for everyone to finally know if they are earning what they should. Please keep in mind that this tool doesn't have absolutely all the job titles and cities, but feel free to leave a comment so we're ensuring to update it on the next release. Thanks all! 🙏🏻
Balazs Alexa
@eva_perry Thanks Eva for sharing!
Simon Small
@eva_perry I think you've got a great proposition. It's clearly powerful based on @claeress' experience. Interested in how you win the market and develop the pricing because you're giving huge value...
gregoire kerneis
Xcellent stuff. spot on i think. useful for my wife too.
Alexandra Epelbaum
Very funny and useful !! Thanks
Sebastien LEFORT
Great one ! Easy, quick and accurate . Thanks
Rob Kniaz
Pay me more!