All the Apple Watch news. From creators of AppAdvice
Robleh Jama

WatchApps — Interactive previews of upcoming Apple Watch Apps

Robleh Jama
@mhafez and the team at AppAdvice/WatchAware did great job with this watch app demo site! You can play with watch apps like Todoist, Twitter, Run 5k and a bunch of others.
Brandon Lipman
This confirms that I will not be buying an Apple watch anytime soon. I can hardly read that small text when viewing this on my Laptop let alone an my wrist. The apps that are presented have little functionality at this point. Hopefully future updates and releases will add more functional use cases.
Cynthia Siantar
@robjama Great resource! Any interest in Finance Apps for Apple Watch? Might want to check this out
Daniel C
Great timing! This is awesome to see what's out there
Best site to get inspiration for watch apps.
Duane Kinsey
Congrats @MHafez. Really well executed.
Elaine Ou
Great timing too! Nice work @mhafez