Dennis Stücken

Wavechat - Record and share micro podcasts w/ your friends

Wavechat is like the Snapchat for voice: A micro podcasting app that allows you to creatively connect with and follow friends through podcast-like stories and private voice messages.

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Love everything about it. Totally the future of social media. I have tons of friends and a girlfriend abroad and talking on the phone sometimes isn't ideal. So this fills the void of everything. Can't wait til your Android Version too.
Dennis Stücken
@hamer_blattgold Awesome! Glad you like it :)
Dave Goldblatt
@hamer_blattgold @mefranco we hope to have it soon for android!
Philip Su
Been using it, and have been really impressed by the pace of improvement and the thorough responses to customer issue reports. Voice interfaces are going to be huge!
Dave Goldblatt
Thanks @philip_su! Glad you share in our vision :D
Dennis Stücken
@philip_su Thanks so much for your support Philip!!
Wow love this !
Dave Goldblatt
@celi_marketing Thanks! Glad you're enjoying it 😄
Dennis Stücken
@celi_marketing Thanks Celi appreciate it :)
Dennis Stücken
Hey Product Hunters!! Last week we won one of the categories in this years edition of the Makers Festival. Now, super excited to finally launch Wavechat on PH today! 😺 Wavechat is like the Snapchat for voice with filters for your voice instead of your face 😱A Wavechat is a casual up to 60 second podcast that you can put on your 24-hour story – or send to your friends. You can add visuals to it such as bitmojis, transcription, images, captions or stickers. This makes it an ideal editor for creating short, voice focused Instagram or Snapchat stories too – since we enable off-platform sharing as a video. 👻😁 We appreciate all your feedback and are happy to answer questions and comments! 🙌🏼
Mata Mokwala
Really interesting concept!
Dave Goldblatt
@mata_mokwala Thanks Mata! Add us on Wavechat 😎
Benjo Libor
Really cool to see you launch here. Been testing the product from day 1 and can just compliment guys on their ability to ship and improve with every iteration. Long way to go for social apps like this but I wish you all the luck you need!
Dave Goldblatt
@bnjmnlbr Thanks Benjamin!
Dennis Stücken
@bnjmnlbr Thank you so much Ben!
Brett Goldstein
Cool! So how did you arrive at this concept? What's the backstory?
Dave Goldblatt
@thatguybg Hi Brett! We've actually been working in this space for a while. I wrote a Medium post detailing our journey here: Happy to answer anything more in depth here or on the medium article, but some high level thoughts: 1. We were familiar with the space (I've worked at fb and Dennis and I are both very in to audio tech), we saw a huge opportunity in the market (Airpods errwhere!) and we thought it would be a fun, meaningful, interesting problem to solve. 2. We pivoted a few times along the way - we originally were a desktop based "short audio clip" social network - but we decided upon a "narrower" solution in the beginning. (Easy, fun micro-podcasts) 3. We're very excited about the future of Voice, and see almost limitless creative opportunities to help people create and share using Voice and Audio - not just on phones, but in AR, VR, Mixed Reality, and whatever else comes along :D
Sally Nguyen
Enjoyable app to have in a group of friends and mess around on. I am looking forward to seeing where this app goes and how much bigger it can get. Very excited for the android version to come out.
Dave Goldblatt
@minytale Thank you, hoping to have an Android versions soon!
Emma Jo Collins
This is amazing!! Congrats guys!! I can't wait for the Android version 😉
Fred Madrid
when android?
Dave Goldblatt
@fred_madrid Hopefully 🔜!
Congrats on launch! I'm loving it so far and can't wait to see Wavechat lead the way for audio messages!
Paul Burke
Pumped to try it out! Concept is great. One thing to consider: the app icon and branding is very similar to Anchor. At first I almost clicked on Anchor, actually. This is such a cool product it shouldn't get lost or confused with another app in the voice-recording/podcasting space.
Once again, just on iOS. So it's basically unusable in Germany where almost everyone has an Android.