Hunter Stich

Waylan - A natural and beautiful dictionary for Android.

Waylan is an open source dictionary for Android built with the intention of being ergonomic, contextual and artistic. Access high quality definitions through a pleasant and beautiful interface.

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Hunter Stich
Hi PH, Waylan was an idea that formed one night while reading, trying to balance a novel in one hand while looking up a word in a dictionary app in the other. This was a frustrating experience - having to fumble to reach search bars and pronunciation buttons one-handed. Waylan hopes to solve UX challenges on modern devices while being a great tool to improve your vocabulary! Language and words are beautiful. Looking them up should be too! Here's a more extensive post on how the design of Waylan came together: In the future, I'm hoping to add more dictionary source as well as the ability to add/edit your own examples and definitions. Waylan is currently in Beta on the Play Store! Try it out, checkout the design write-up. Feedback would be lovely. Hunter
Anna Filou
I am so in love with the design and the fact that you thought about all the pain points of dictionary apps before designing this! ❤️ Honestly very very impressive work, well done to you! Question: the Merriam Webster dictionary is a "free trial"..? Meaning I have to pay them or you in order to access it after 7 days? That's not very clear in the app.
Hunter Stich
@anna_0x Anna! Thanks so much for giving it a try and I'm glad you enjoy it. The Merriam-Webster developer API isn't free after a certain amount of usage. The idea in Waylan is to have the Merriam-Webster definitions behind a 99¢ paywall to try and offset the API cost. Eventually, it would be nice to have a full suite of dictionary "extensions" which could be either free or a small fee like this, allowing you to add/remove dictionary sources depending on where you like to get your definitions from. If you go to Settings and create an account, your free trial is extended to 30 days. This is great feedback though and I'll try to work on clarity surrounding this topic. Let me know how you feel about the above!
Dmitry Gordin
thank you for open sourcing this project it's interesting how you did such beautiful UI, especially with native dev
Hunter Stich
@gordinmitya Glad you find it useful!