
EmailThis for Firefox - Turn your email inbox into your reading list.


EmailThis will remove ads & distractions from the page and send you a beautifully formatted email with just the text and images. You can read the email anytime you like, anywhere you like - on your computer, smartphone or tablet.

It is meant to be a simpler alternative to bookmarking and "read-later" tools like Pocket, Instapaper and Evernote.

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Sushil Sharma
Congrats @bharani91 for the launch of Email this for Firefox. I am using this for chrome from the day you launched it on PH. It is a wonderful tool which I use daily. Very simple and effective tool for marketers like me. I wish you best luck for Firefox version.
@sushil_realmonkey Thanks, Sushil. I am happy that you find EmailThis useful. Since the launch on PH, I have added a few more features - * You can now send an email with a URL to EmailThis will open that link, extract useful content from it and reply in a couple of minutes. This functionality makes it a lot easier to save articles from a mobile device. You can use the share menu from any browser or app (Medium, Reddit etc) on Android/iOS and save articles to your email. * For discussions sites like reddit or stackoverflow, it is often not possible to extract useful content. Earlier, EmailThis would simply send you the link. This isn't very helpful. However, now instead of sending the link, the app will save the page to PDF and send that PDF file as an attachment. This can then be used for offline reference. * You can now right-click and save PDFs, Excel sheets, DOCX files and images as email attachments.
I've been using EmailThis for about a month now. It's working really well for me. Managing my bookmarks has always been a problem for me. I am a big Pocket user but I've noticed that Pocket has become like a cold storage for me. I rarely ever go back to reading the bookmarks from it. EmailThis has fit in nicely into my bookmarking workflow. I've been using it to send myself an email for things that I want to read in the near future (within the next couple of days or so) and use Pocket for saving links that I might need at some later date.
Sushil Sharma
Thanks Man, I will save this email and use it. :)