@samir_doshi Hi, please apologize if I disturb you but because you are interested in WebCatalog, I think you might be interested in WebCatalog 2 (https://getwebcatalog.com/), a brand new version of WebCatalog - built-from-scratch, lighter, faster, always up-to-date with a more user-friendly user interface. Give it a try and feel free to contact me if you have any questions or feedback!
Great idea. It'd be cool if for Facebook Messenger on Windows there was possibility minimize the app and keep in the tray—like Skype or Telegram—and not to show the icon in the main taskbar when not used. I tried two or three different "native" apps for messenger on Windows, but each has the same problem—it takes valuable taskbar space when not used while it should only show the icon when maximized. @quanglam2807, is it possible to do that?
Modern Translator 6
Modern Translator 6