
Status Pages by WebGazer - All your systems' health in a nutshell


Monitor your website and REST API with WebGazer. Share your performance statistics via your public status page. Post messages regarding incidents in order to keep your users updated.

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Hey Hunters 👋 I am Gokhan, one of the co-founders. Status pages have been the most requested feature since we got listed on Product Hunt on first week of March. We have been working hard and today we want to share the joy with you: WebGazer Status Pages are live! As always we tried to keep it simple and clean giving you and your audience an overview of your infrastructure without all the unneeded clutter. With WebGazer, now you can; * monitor your website and REST API endpoints * get e-mail and Slack alerts when your website or API endpoint isn't functioning properly * share performance statistics of your infrastructure with your users via the public status pages. We are very excited to hear what you think 🤞
Manuel Frigerio
@meisth0th hey, looks cool but the irony is that I can't find your status page :)
@mnlfrgr Hi Manuel! WebGazer's status page is on https://status.webgazer.io. If our status page, as a demo, doesn't have the answers you need I'd be glad to answer your questions 🙂
Pablo Fernández
The value of WebGazer just went up, a lot. Are you guys planning on having incident reports on that status page?
@pupeno hey Pablo, we are trying very hard not to complicate UI and mess with the UX when we are adding new stuff. Incident reports are useful indeed, note taken. I'll let you know once it is ready :)
@pupeno YES! That's exactly why we spend a lot of time just formulating before development, to avoid turning UI into a aircraft's cockpit 😅
Sarp Bilecen

I believe this was one of the most requested features to be added to Webgazer, mainly because managing alert notifications via email or slack takes a bit of time to process, yet if you have a real time status page open on a screen, it is much more easier to respond to immediate changes.

For businesses with very active DevOps, or businesses with real time digital services (like e-commerce), this is a must have feature.

Personally I'd have to add it wasnt very crucial to us in maintenance, as we are an iot business that mostly exists of digital transactions between physical machines (thus maintenance takes long on a physical scale). This is however something we can show on our customers dashboard showing them if their machines/tools are working the way they should.

I should add, I'm very pleased to see the improvement on Webgazers service after their first producthunt release, not just in the increase of benefits but especially in response to product feedback from users.


Quick & Real Time access to monitoring services

Decreases response time of DevOps to incidents

Looks cool on a dashboard :)


Not very beneficial to enterprises with a small digital footprint

Pablo Fernández
Your comment was music to my ears as I make a product that helps you run those sort of dashboards. I even had a guest post in the WebGazer blog recently: https://www.webgazer.io/blog/201... I just like glancing at my dashboard, showing WebGazer, see that everything is ok, and moving on with whatever I'm doing.
Pablo Fernández
Something I missed from other status page products was an easy way to embed the status into my own web site: an image (like a big badge), an iframe, a wordpress plugin, a javascript snippet. Things like that.
@pupeno TBH, I didn't even know there was such a thing but sounds handy. Do you mind if I reach you to get some details on this one?
@pupeno thanks! I'll reach you soon.
Chris Warner

Simple monitoring tool


Easy to setup, informative and accurate


Real time updates via SMS would be good


Wordpress had Jetpack, and now we have a service that works with any type of website, monitoring the downtimes and such. And I've found this product very helpful in monitoring my multiple websites!


Really love the simple & clean user interface and the features are just awesome.


Haven't found any so far. The product works smoothly