Webiny - Build modern web apps, stay sane and deliver on time. 🚀
Webiny (https://www.webiny.com/) is all you’ll need as a web developer to build an application.
From an API layer, to frontend components, backend framework and admin template – even ready-made apps are included – and it’s all fully documented, free and open-source.
i wanna try this alot!
Pros:To mutch Pros to talk about..
Cons:Lets find out :)
I just think it’s awesome that a team of devs put so much work into an open source tool that would greatly improve the launch of a new product!
Pros:It makes devs life WAY easier. That‘s probably the only tool you‘d need to launch a new web app. And it’s open source!
Cons:Long term support?
Good luck to everyone!!!
Pros:Team behind this project is out of this world that put years of work into this product with goal to make things easier for others. Great!
Cons:its a new product on the market you could run into some minor bugs
Excited that it's finally going live!
Pros:Fast, reliable, bunch of functionality out of the box, and of course – a super-dedicated & responsive team of smart developers behind it.
Cons:Probably a tough sell to clients who don't want to migrate from WordPress
I particularly like the promise of reduced man hours and it's extensive librarie, that makes this possible. Most importantly it's free and open source.
Looking forward to see how this develops over time.
Pros:I like the fact that the makers understand the developers pain points and have come up with what seems to be a viable solution.
Cons:I need more time to analyse the solution in details
I like it. Just wish it was not PHP-based :)
Pros:Addresses common pain points, API-first, rapid development
Cons:A brand new tech, it's always a question if it will gain traction
Lazy Jar
I was hoping this was something similar to bubble.is.
Pros:I think is similar to bubble
Cons:Not as abstract as bubble
The Webiny team are extremely dedicated, and talented individuals comprising some of the web's best talents. Webiny is the amazing culmination of their combined efforts and we're all fortunate to be able to use it.
Pros:We've been lucky enough to have been using earlier versions of Webiny since 2014 and it's completely streamlined our development. Fantastic!
Cons:Hard to say, but as a PM, the pros completely outweigh any cons.