Kevin William David

Webiny Serverless Page Builder - Open source, dev-friendly and powered by GraphQL and React


Webiny is a serverless open source CMS. Build websites and web applications - both large and small without all the hassle you are used to. All the parts you need comes in a single package optimized to seamlessly work together in a performant way.

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Sven Al Hamad
Thank you @kevin for hunting us! ๐Ÿ™Œ It's been around a year and a half since we were last on product hunt. At that time we had a development framework for building websites and web applications. As you can see we have evolved into a full featured CMS in the meantime. The technology and how we build websites and applications is evolving, and one of the current trends, that will most likely define the next era of the "cloud" is called serverless. We decided to take a bet on that and build a full features CMS designed for such an environment. We hope you'll give Webiny a try. At the moment we are in beta and are looking for feedback.
Jonathan Carvalho
Hey guys, for those who would like to try it out, do you provide a free account?
Sven Al Hamad
@jonathangoc of course we do. While we are in beta (probably for next few weeks), all the accounts, on our managed hosted platform, are 100% free of charge. Webiny is also open source, so you can run it for free on any machine.
Ray Li
Webiny looks amazing! I love the drag and drop builder and all the nice little touches such as icon search. I've used website builders before and this one is very nice so great work there! Unfortunately, there is a dealbreaker that prevents me from exploring Webiny further. The website load times are very slow. Loading the default Webiny site takes over 4 seconds! The issue seems to be static file download speed. I notice that chunk.js is over half a megabyte and takes over 1 second to download. The other static assets take over a second to download as well. If you can setup a CDN to automatically distribute static assets to memcache server with 100 Gigabit fiber output, that might help your static assets load faster. Looking forward to great things from Webiny!
Sven Al Hamad
@rayliverified thanks Ray. The load time is something we are addressing. There will be a different CDN used for when a website is served over a custom domain and the load times we expect will improve. This is one area that is never perfect and constant improvements will need to be done over time. Not sure if you noticed, but for example for all images inserted via the page builder, we actually serve a srcset back to the browser with multiple image sizes, which improves page load times on mobile greatly. Additionally to battle latency, we plan to introduce an option so a user can choose from which AWS region his site will be served.
Ray Li
@svenalhamad Thanks Sven, I think you're onto something really great here! My coworker was looking for a CMS platform (not Wordpress!) and Webiny seems to be trying to fill that niche. Can't wait to see how Webiny improves!
Varnolen John
Wow! Amazing!
Marija Butkovic
I'm not a developer myself, but the idea behind this looks really useful for all developers out there. Should make their life easier. I might give it a try myself for my own website makeover, too! :)
Sven Al Hamad
@marijabutkovic Thanks for your message ... we have a beta running for the next few weeks and you can try Webiny on our managed hosted platform for free. We just ask your feedback in return. Hope you have a great time with us ;)
Ognjen Vukovic
Looks like a real painkiller... Good job!
Sven Al Hamad
@vforvukovic Thanks Ognjen ๐Ÿ™ŒIt was an itch we had ourselves, so a scratch was required :P Hope you join our beta and let us know your feedback.
Andu Potorac
Hey Sven. I made an account, created a website, and I can't seem to access the DIY interface. Is this hidden?
Sven Al Hamad
@andupotorac It shouldn't be. Once you create your side, you will get an admin link. Using that link you will access the editor for that site. In case of any problems, feel free to use the chat on site and we'll help you out.
Andu Potorac
@svenalhamad Hey Sven, I'll send feedback in the chat. A loom video to help us out figure out what's wrong.
Sven Al Hamad
@andupotorac Brilliant, thanks!
Andu Potorac
@svenalhamad A chat doesn't show either. Maybe I'm not looking at the right product, ha! Here's the video:
Sven Al Hamad
@andupotorac I see your issue Andu. So when you create a website. Every website is its own instance, with its own administration. When you select the website, under the "overview" tab, in the first box you will see the "Admin url" for that website. Click the url, it will actually open up the admin UI to manage the content for that site. Login in and you should be able to manage your pages for that site from there. Hope this helps.
Adam Tony
nice product, recommend 4 u guys
Christine Lix
Frank Lagendijk
Amazing product ๐Ÿค˜
Michelle Monaghan
Phung Javien
Peter Gilbert
great product I like it
Tomislav Kozaฤinski
This will be extremely useful for a couple of clients. Great documentation. Exciting to see what comes next.
Sven Al Hamad
@tomislav_kozacinski Thanks Tomislav ๐Ÿบ - watch the space, several new features are already in the pipeline ;)
Johnson Lee
How can I get a trial. This looks promising!
Pavel Denisjuk
@johnson_lee during the Beta period we are 100% free, so head over to and create an account to give Webiny a test drive. Thanks for your interest!
Varnolen John
Wow! Amazing!
Created a website on webiny but the admin page inside the website is just not loading. Its been more than 3 minutes. Website created:
Adrian Smijulj
@itsshashank Just tried opening the admin area for your site ( and the login screen looks good to me. Can you try again, please? Are you still experiencing the same issue? Thank you for your time!
Johann Valverde

Everything is ok. Just waiting for custom domain feature.


Nice and clean interface


No custom domain feature