Chris Villa - Contract-only jobs board, with remote jobs & rate trends


Too many jobs boards don't focus on contractors. is the contract-only jobs board for contractors in the tech industry.

* Find remote jobs

* Analyse market rates and trends

* Build a personalised jobs feed based on your skills

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Chris Villa
Howdy hunters! As a contract developer πŸ€“, I got tired of relying on recruiters and sub-par websites that were built for hiring permanent positions. I built to bring together what I need as a contract developer when looking for positions: * Filtering by remote 🌍 * Rate analysis and trendsπŸ“ˆ * A personalised jobs feed based on my skills πŸ€Έβ€β™‚οΈ It’s UK-only right now, but you can filter to remote gigs. If your sign up and I’ll keep you posted about an international launch. Excited to be sharing it with you!
Logan Boyd
Will be good to see if graphic design and ui or ux gets added into this.
Chris Villa
@mastemine I totally misread that as a criticism πŸ˜… I'm certainly hoping to add design skills in the future.
Chris Villa
@mastemine Hey Logan - I've added graphic design, UI & UX support, and jobs have already started to show up!
Chris Roth
This is super cool, I appreciate this :) I wonder how the brand will be perceived to the clients. I'm imagining myself in the shoes of a company that needs to hire an a contract engineer and cringing at the fact that it's values are all about money and payment. As an engineer, fuck yes. As a company, disgust. Second concern is that "high rate" is subjective. $1,000 for some people is low, for others very high. Anyhow, it's an interesting idea and I hope it succeeds. I would use this if there was an international version.
Scott Silvi
@chrisrxth seconded on the contextual high rate. Possible road map item, @chrisvxd? Allowing users to customize the amounts to filter by? I disagree on the company disgust. Too many companies paint a rosy picture of their organization. If they want to attract high-end talent, pay high-end rates. If they want to retain high-end talent, they can do so by proving cultural prowess during the first contract-term.
Chris Roth
@chrisvxd @scottsilvi I absolutely agree that they should pay well if they want to attract and keep talent. But retaining talent is a concern about employees, not contractors. If you want to retain a contractor, you give them a retainer or an employment offer. I'm curious if companies will find the branding clever or tasteless.
Chris Villa
@chrisrxth @scottsilvi The context for the high rate is whether it's above or below the expected market rate for _that skill_. I've thought about switching it to something less blunt, like a distribution graph, so people can actually get an idea of how it fits in the market and then make their own call on whether it's "low", "medium" or "high"... but I need to give that some more thought. Re: rates - I agree with you in the context of employees, but I think this is different for contractors. Companies hiring contractors are already prepared to pay the money, and are more motivated by finding someone good, fast. Re: international - that's definitely on the horizon! Sign up to the platform / follow me on PH and I'll shoot you an update when it's ready.
Chris Villa
@chrisrxth also, solid user name πŸ™Œ
Andrey Marin

all good


design and project



Ferruccio Balestreri
Love this! Super interested in seeing how this moves forward
Chris Villa
@frcbls Thanks Ferruccio! I hope it's as useful for you as it is for me. Make sure you sign up so you can stay in the loop πŸ˜ƒ
Matt Michel
This looks really good and there seems to be a good depth of jobs on it. I'm definitely going to give it a try!
Chris Villa
@ninjapixel Developers, Developers, Developers! Ping me on the chat if you need anything.

I used Wellpaid in October, which led me to a few potential contracts. Though I found my next contract elsewhere, I took a few interviews through wellpaid, and found the site very useful for determining my value.


Beautiful interface, good data, user focused


Could use more jobs