Wendy Dean

How much does it cost to build an app? - Find out how much it costs to build an app in 2019


Historic app data from Project Management Software + Machine Learning = How much does it cost to build an app calculator

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Colin Winhall
I feel the training data in your model favours high-end development. The questions are also too broad to be accurate in estimations. I like the idea but I feel the result is untrustworthy.
Wendy Dean
@colinwinhall thanks for the feedback!! The data favors highly stable projects. When we gathered the data from project management tools our threshold for acceptance was based on projects that were flagged as completed. We found the average cost landing around $160-$180k. After adding in considerations for specialized features and infrastructure we seen that number climb. All things considered we may make a freelancer mode to represent the cost basis for lower-end dev. The challenge is finding the data. In our research it's close to 88% non-completion rate.
@colinwinhall I think the price is in a reasonable range for reference purpose....
Danny Aziz
I liked the UX but I didn't like the fact I had to enter my email address - I didn't enter my email address
Wendy Dean
@dannyaziz97 @owenfar1 point taken. I think that by far this was the most discussed point from those who gave it a spin.
Ryan Hickman

I ran a few calculations to see how close the costs were to the prices my customers paid in the past for app development. It's pretty spot on. Once you think about all the changes the client will make, infrastructure and testing -- it's very justified.


Easy to use and does a great job at asking the right questions.


Sometimes the prices is a little high.

Totally agree. Clients always update their requirements once the features are developed which will cost more developing time and resources...
The product looks cool, how much would it cost to build something like tik tok?
Wendy Dean
@santhosh_me Thanks! I'm going add tik tok as an example. BRB 🙏
Wendy Dean
@santhosh_me just updated the app. Now tik tok is an example you can view directly. You can click the icon in the bottom of the page or you can directly link to it here: http://www.howmuchtobuildanapp.i...
Wendy Dean
🎇🍾🥂Happy 2019 Product Hunters!! To start the first day of the year I've created my first project and thought it would be interesting to share. Historic data from Project Management Software + Machine Learning = **PROBLEM The two most common pain points across app development projects are the uncertainty of time and cost. With the mobile app market showing no sign of stopping and technology evolving to expedite development - people are still unsure of how much it REALLY costs to build an app. **SOLUTION This calculator uses machine learning across a few hundred projects to calculate the cost of developing an app in 2019. Give it a spin! I'll keep adding more possible variable inputs and variations. If you have feedback or ideas, please let me know and I will get them in.
Ryan Hickman
I love the UX overall. Very simple and easy to use. Where did you get the data?
Wendy Dean
@ryanhickmam Thanks! The data comes from many agencies around the world. We actually export the data directly from project management tools of real projects.
Hi there! Cool idea =) Please make the 'Previous question' link readable on hover though 😋 You also have a lot of typos ('featues', 'crpyto', ...) Bug: on Advanced features, you can select both 'None' and other features at the same time Bug #2: on Additional features, there's no 'None' button Last remark: quite unhappy that you request the email, even more so since you request it at the end, without being straightforward about it from the start. I'm not entering my email, since I don't see why you need it to show me the result. This feels fishy.
Wendy Dean
@c10v32c1u6 Thanks for the feedback! We're going to make those adjustments and post the change when we deploy them later today! On a sidenote: Do you freelance as a QA engineer! Could always use a hand 😉
Wendy Dean
@c10v32c1u6 I had my engineer deploy those changes. Thanks again for the feedback 🙏
@wendyde03942462 I can do basic testing but I'm not an engineer, so it really depends what you need =)
Wendy Dean
@c10v32c1u6 thank you, thank you. You are far too kind! Just trying to make the best product possible for the community.
Tomer Dicturel

wrote a story recently on medium about pricing if it too cheap and too good to be true the project will never get completed Q - how many apps did you use to build your machine learning model ? just curious .

good luck - there a real need for such a product


Smart - easy UI - reasonable prices - well put


did it before me :-(

Jen Boonie

saw it last night trending on hacker news - tried super fast and to the point


Easy to use - super fast and gave me an idea


wanted more questions but i guess they covered the main points

Kenny Quach
Have been thinking about building an app for a long time but didn't have an idea of where to start or how to get an idea of the cost taking many factors into account. This app made me take the first step. This app really did the job for me as it took all those factors I have been thinking about and summed it up for me in one cost figure for me to see clearly. Thanks!
Wendy Dean
@kenny_quach Thanks! In my freelance days I commonly developed projects for clients that were similar to other popular apps. Far too many times I found myself doing more learning than earning because I was undercutting everyone...even myself. After working at a bigger agency and with larger companies I found how much apps really cost to be done the right way. Much of that is presented here in this tool.
Very nice UI first of all. Secondly, it is nice to have some reference when people wants to build an app without knowing too much of the real marketing. 👍
Wesley Marshall
I need to rebuild a couple of apps that I am involved with and this tool will help my management team to better estimate cost.
Wendy Dean
@wesley_marshall thanks! 💡💡💡Having a moment 💡💡💡 It would be cool to create a space for calculating how much it costs to REBUILD an app.
Priansh Shah

In my experience, most calculators and devshops will quote you WAY below the actual cost of the app, and the project will run over budget. I think that from a development point of view (feature-oriented) it becomes much clearer what the cost is going to be, and this calculator does a great job on focusing on those signals to quote you.

Only downside for me is, there's no timeline estimate -- so I guess that's more of a feature request! I'd love to see a breakdown of time estimates if this data is available as timeline is just as important as budget for me.


Easy to use, nice UI, pretty cool idea, and finally some accurate estimates!


Doesn't include timeline in report

Demetrica Satterwhi
Love the overall design of the application, simple elegant and fun to use. The estimates are an eye opener for anyone who wants to start building an application. Overall very good design and usage. 🎉
Wendy Dean
@demetricasatterwhi Thank you Very much
Jean Marc Agnant

I thought about this application so many times when i have to build an application of my own, but now I need not to worry, I can just use this application to understand the financial lines. Thank you for this application !


UI, To the point, Fair numbers



Jeremiah A Bray

Really neat idea and very well executed. The UI is really nice but a little sluggish sometimes.

The price quoted is high but reasonable--these are closer to the real cost, the cost after a project inevitably goes over budget. I will definitely be using this in my next project! Keep up the good work 💪🏻


Excellent Idea


Kinda slow some times

Ambe Benson
Machine learning algorithm to predict such a valid use case is awesome, useful scenario for every type of application before making financial decisions.
Wendy Dean
@ambebenson thanks -we will share some on the info on the Algo in few days on medium if you are interested
Vishal Kumar Singh
I am amazed by seeing the cost few teams can charge for building a Tinder like app. ($3,25,000 if outsourced). My team can build this at 15% of the cost for both Android & iOS platform.
Wendy Dean
@vishalkrsingh it would be awesome if you could share some of your data. this is a machine-learned data set that calculates these prices. In fact you can read how we calculated everything here: https://medium.com/@team_96861/h...
I love the design. Concept is similar to Crew's How Much To Make An App but much nicer looking. Does the data come from your own organization?
Wendy Dean
@simgooder Thank you so much!!! The data comes from 41 dev shops across the world. We extracted data from the project management tools to calculate everything. The most important thing was that the apps were completed. That was something that was rare to see. Often the apps would be good and lower price, however they would not be complete so we did not factor their data in. We're always looking for data. So if you or any shop wants to share it would be great. It would improve the accuracy and become an even more useful resource for the community. Thanks again!

Good job


Easy to use; Good reference; Nice UI


More questions will be better