
Le Slide - Easily add two more monitors to your laptop đŸ’»


Le Slide by Slidenjoy is the world's first accessory that triples your laptop screen with a single USB and adds two extra monitors on each side.

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Ryan Hoover
I'm curious how this affects the battery life. My Macbook can barely hold a 2 hour charge as it is. Side note: I used to use two monitors years ago but I found it less productive than having a single screen to focus on, so this probably isn't for me. 😁
Cody McLain
@rrhoover This yes, I've gone from having 4 monitors to 2 monitors and now have come to the stunning conclusion I'm most productive while in bed on my small macbook. Apparently all the studies that came out supporting the use of multiple monitors were sponsored by Dell and NEC. Productivity only increases on multiple monitors if you're doing administrative work, but when it comes to "Deep Work" it seems to have the opposite effect really.
@rrhoover I'm strictly on one screen these days...but it helps if you're a master with your window management (using something like BetterSnapTool , BetterTouchTool, Alfred, etc. )
Matt Chatterley

Despite taking many many pre-orders (without forgetting it was originally a Kickstarter), there is no real evidence that the product is ever going to exist, nor is there any good comms from the company. Buyer beware.


Good idea


Main con - it seems to actually be a con

James Mainwaring
Correct. This CON has been running years now. We have they not been shut down???
Slidenjoy Fraud
JOIN US IN THE CLASS-ACTION LAWSUIT AGAINST SLIDENJOY As thousands of people, you paid the full price to get their product ...but you have never received it ...and you asked many times for reimbursement with no success ...its called a fraud and this is illegal under US and European laws We are considering filing a class-action lawsuit in the US and Europe against the founders of this website: Laurent Wery Charlee Jeunehomme Thomas Castro We have one dedicated lawyer in charge of compiling a list of plaintiffs in this case. Please send your details to: slidenjoysuit(at) Robert DeWittyDeWitty and Associates, Chtd. (Washington D.C. based) We have created this separate email for all people who have paid money but never received their product. Time to fight !
Nan L
@slidenjoy_fraud I have been messaging them hoping that they will send me updates on my order and am seriously considering reporting them to my bank to receive a refund. They sent out an email of the product about a month ago - is this real? Or has anyone else gotten the same fake release of the product?
Mark Doty
@slidenjoy_fraud There are now similar products for sale on Amazon :
Ali Siam
I see alot of online complaints regarding no shipping, no refunds for kickstarter backers. Has this been resolved?
The Jestr
@ali_siam No, I'm pretty sure this product is a scam. Has all the hallmarks of a scam. release date constantly pushed, no updates, no one managing their website live chat, yet they have no problem processing pre-orders.
Ali Siam
@thejestr1 yeap this product should really not be on Product Hunt does not deserve any upvotes.
Hasn’t this been in development for the past 3 years?
Ali Siam
I see alot of online complaints regarding no shipping, no refunds for kickstarter backers. Has this been resolved?
Thiago de Carvalho
Although I really like the idea, I cannot upvote or support someone who hasn't been responding or honouring your early supporters (Kickstarter). If they're not getting response from you, why would anyone even try their luck?
Sacha David

They constantly lie and give a release date for 1 month time which never delivers




its a con

Definitely a sore spot for me when companies ignore the people giving them money; I see it a lot these days. Fool me once...
Alicia Ho
Was at first excited about the product but then realized they still have yet to deliver this product to their Kickstarter backers (more than 3 years now). Will wait until they actually start honouring their previous orders first.
David Lowe
It would totally kill my productivity but love the soccer match across the 3 screens! I have wanted this idea to come to fruition for a long time so I can have music on one screen, media on another and work in center. I tried to contact you through your website but the captcha link is broken meaning I cannot send my message. Can you email me here:
The Jestr
@lowelowe @davidjlowe Not to worry, you'd never get this product if you ordered it.
David Lowe
@thejestr1 What makes you say that?
David Lowe
@thejestr1 @daren_jacobs That sucks. I haven't been on ProductHunt for so long but this was one product that I actually thought was useful. Shame that they have not fulfilled.
Daren Jacobs
@thejestr1 @davidjlowe I gave them money in 2016, others have been waiting since 2015. They are unresponsive, and in the rare event you do get a response it's. "We are waiting to hear from the product team." That's been the message since 2017. The thing that is most upsetting is that they are still taking orders knowing they are not going to ship.
Niels Abadie

"Comme nous l’indiquent certains de nos lecteurs (merci SĂ©bastien !), Le Slide n’a encore jamais livrĂ© ses produits aux backers de sa campagne de financement sur Kickstarter. Prudence, donc, si vous ĂȘtes tentĂ©s par un tel appareil." (




Customers never delivered since 2015 - Consumes 50% more battery

I have been waiting 4 years for the slidenjoy I purchased to show up. I'm fed up, I am joining the group of people just like me who are also tired of waiting and forming a law suit against Slidenjoy. JOIN US IN THE CLASS-ACTION LAWSUIT AGAINST SLIDENJOY As thousands of people, you paid the full price to get their product ...but you have never received it ...and you asked many times for reimbursement with no success ...its called a fraud and this is illegal under US and European laws We are considering filing a class-action lawsuit in the US and Europe against the founders of this website: Laurent Wery Charlee Jeunehomme Thomas Castro Please send your details to: slidenjoysuit(at) Robert DeWittyDeWitty and Associates, Chtd. (Washington D.C. based) We have created this separate email for all people who have paid money but never received their product.
The Jestr
I'm pretty sure LeSlide is a scam.
Christopher Andert

I really really want this thing. I wouldn't mind the wait if they were honest. I hav ebeen waiting nearly two years after placing my deposit on their order site (not as a KickStarter)




Constant misinformation on actual launch dates. Robots respond when inquired.en

Missed this announcement during CES this year but saw Mashable cover this in a video. This was totally made for @nickabouzeid and @pottsjustin 😬
Robert Magrino
Any plans to make a portrait view model that pIvots? ThIs would make full page document vIew much easIer Also how much does it weigh?
Daren Jacobs

LeSlide / Slidenjoy is a scam.




Company has been saying the same lie since 2016, They are waiting to hear from the product team.

B.N.H Amateur production
Almost 2020 and I cannot say it's a sh*tty product, cause there is not product. What a scam lol
Slidenjoy Fraud
JOIN US IN THE CLASS-ACTION LAWSUIT AGAINST SLIDENJOY As thousands of people, you paid the full price to get their product ...but you have never received it ...and you asked many times for reimbursement with no success ...its called a fraud and this is illegal under US and European laws We are considering filing a class-action lawsuit in the US and Europe against the founders of this website: Laurent Wery Charlee Jeunehomme Thomas Castro We have one dedicated lawyer in charge of compiling a list of plaintiffs in this case. Please send your details to: Robert DeWittyDeWitty and Associates, Chtd. (Washington D.C. based) We have created this separate email for all people who have paid money but never received their product. Time to fight !