An organised and ranked list of the world's best GPTs. The list is auto-ranked by an algorithm that takes a GPTs popularity, capabilities, credibility and user-friendliness into account.
Hi – I'm Dario! An indie maker and nomad with passion for making the internet more useful by curating and organising things that, well, could use some organisation.
I originally launched this site as a list to help people find the right ChatGPT plugins, and was overwhelmed by the positive response from people using the site as a reference in their daily work. When OpenAI announced that they were introducing GPTs I knew it was time to rethink the directory, and make it helpful for exploring the best GPTs.
GPTs can be made by anyone in less than 5 minutes, which is absolutely amazing, but also makes it more difficult to navigate the thousands (perhaps soon, millions) of GPTs that exist. I've taken it upon myself to create the most intuitive interface for finding the top GPTs – keeping the list intentionally small to make it easy to find the ones for your needs. I've also created an algorithm that, based on publicly available data, ranks the GPTs based on factors like popularity, capabilities, credibility and user-friendliness.
I've organised the list into a set of initial categories which will be expanded over time. I've also made a filter for which capabilities a GPT has (the capabilities the user has chosen when configuring the GPT). My plan going forward is to keep improving the algorithm to ensure it surfaces the very best GPTs, as well as creating original content for the top GPTs to showcase examples of how to use them.
Join me in shaping this to be THE best place to find quality GPTs. As a user, you can contribute to the community by upvoting your favourite GPTs, which is one of the quality signals that will help bring them closer to the top of the list.
I wish all suggestions on how to improve the site welcome – I'm all ears to your feedback.
@itspapilama Congrats Dario! We will launch our product CathovenAI on Product Hunt a few months later as well. Hope you hit a great success and let me learn from you then!
Looks great. We've seen quite a few of these GPT ranking sites pop up now - what makes yours different?
Also, what's your long-term plan when the OpenAI marketplace is available?
@alexpainter thanks a lot, Alex 🤝 I've put effort into making it easy to navigate and have a ranking system that's nuanced and less prone to abuse, such as in the case of upvotes.
That's a great question – since I don't know what the OpenAI marketplace will look like yet, my plan is to adapt once it's launched by covering the areas that could use more curation, better content, improved UI, etc. that would bring value to users
@itspapilama, you did a wonderful job! This product looks really impressive and is an amazing way to connect people with the best GPTs on the market! Kudos to you!
@jaz_risk_averse_technology I appreciate it, Jaz. My plan is to keep the directory intentionally small to highlight just the best ones. I'm adding in meme magic ;)
Congratulations on creating this comprehensive, auto-ranked list of the world's best GPTs! Your innovative approach, combining factors like popularity, capabilities, credibility, and user-friendliness, offers a valuable resource for anyone interested in AI technology. Well done on this remarkable achievement! 👏🎉🤖
@bonvisions thanks! The algorithm prioritises GPTs from verified builders that have high user engagement, advanced capabilities and that provide useful instructions on how to use it.
Hey there! Your product, an organised and ranked list of the world's best GPTs, sounds really interesting. I'm excited to see it when you launch! As someone who is also about to launch their own product, I would love to hear any advice you have for a successful launch. Additionally, I would really appreciate your feedback once my product is live. If you're interested, you can click on the "Notify" button to get notified when it's ready. Thank you in advance! is a gem for GPT enthusiasts! An organized list, auto-ranked by popularity and capabilities, makes the GPT search efficient. How has improved your experience with GPTs? Upvoted and ready to explore the world's best!
Great site. Found an amazing Trading GPT through this and it has answered so many of my many newbie trading and technical analysis questions. Thank you!
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