Ryan Hoover

When2Leave - Get an alert when your commute time drops below _____


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Ouriel Ohayon
would be incredibly more useful as a mobile app. my 2c
Joe Youngblood
@ourielohayon or an app that also has an alarm clock that uses predictive analytics to decide what time you need to wake up to get to work....
Paolo Perazzo
@ourielohayon sure, but that doesn't require an app :). You can do all of that from browser. To be clear, this is not a web vs native app debate: on mobile, I've always developed native, but considering what he has developed already, he doesn't necessarily need an app.
Ryan Hoover
Neat idea, useful if you have a flexible schedule. I like that it provides an average ETA also:
Ravi Vadrevu
@rrhoover The maker of this product is my buddy from USC @luthrapankaj
@rrhoover Thanks Ryan, that was exactly the idea behind creating this.
Andy Abramson
Good idea. But, this is working within Google Calendar already. Why do I need another app?
@andyabramson Thanks! :) Google calendar works well for predictable commute events. This is more for when you have irregular commute and have some flexibility on when you can leave.
Joe Youngblood
Interesting usage of what I'm guessing is a Google API. Not sure they'll be able to generate enough revenue to stave off Google's thirst for profit or Google killing it. Also as others have stated not sure why this isn't also an app with more features, but I guess I'll stay tuned.
@youngbloodjoe Thanks Joe, yes, I need to figure out a way to make this project self sustaining. For now, I just created this for solving my own commute problem and to see if there is any interest out there for this app :)
Greig Cranfield
I think this could really work as a bot. Just saying.
Edmund Cinco
Nice app
@edmund5 Thank you!
Rakesh Agrawal
I like this idea-- similar to "Just Landed" (which I use a ton but recently announced that they were going to shut down the app).
Little background: I created this website since I found myself looking at Google Maps everyday before I left work. I would keep checking the travel time to home and waited till it dropped to 20-25 mins or so. I wished Google Maps had an option to manually set up an alert on the commute time but they didnt, so I decided to work on this side project on weekends. Got some motivation from friends and www.when2leave.com was created. Future: I have received some good comments and feedback from different channels, I will try to implement some of those suggestion. Need to figure out a way to make this a self sustaining operation. If you have any ideas on that front, feel free to reach out. Thanks to Ryan, Eric and others at ProductHunt for featuring this and a warm welcome to the community.
Soham Garud
Very good idea. There was an app called When2Leave on the App Store www.appsyte.com/when2leave but I don't think its working anymore.
@soham_garud Thanks Sohum :)
Chris Eade
Nice idea at the moment I get this type of thing on Google now as it looks at my calendar, however I would prefer to have a non google service. Benefit of what you offer is no need to have things in your calendar, great work :)
@chris_eade Thanks Chris, yes that was exactly the idea. Having a simple service that allows you to manually setup an alert on a certain commute time.
Shahab Shabibi
Amazing product! I have been waiting for something like this. I hope the UI get's some upgrades, adds an app and also to get the opportunity to change traffic data source (Waze, Google Maps, Apple Maps, etc) and then adds the capability to call an Uber automatically. PS. Don't tell anyone but I'd pay $1 a month for a service like that.
@shahab_21 Thanks Shahab, that is really very motivating for us :) We are working on creating an app and it should be out soon. Great idea about the automatic Uber calling (now, if only they paid us some commission for that ;) ) And we might add some premium features for a small price too :)
Great idea! How does it alert? I image keep the tab open?
@tkuva Thank you! At the moment, yes, you need to keep the tab open. Some additions coming soon are SMS, email alert and mobile apps that would send a push notification (may be an apple watch notification too, if we get enough interest in that :) ) Stay tuned!