Chris Messina

Whereby - Freedom to work from anywhere.

Top Hunter

Easy and flexible meetings in the browser. Create your permanent own video room ( that guests can join simply by clicking the link. No downloads or registration required by guests, no host required in meetings.

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Ingrid Ødegaard
Hi everyone! I’m Ingrid, Co-founder and Chief Product & Technology Officer of Whereby. We are thrilled to finally launch the new version of Whereby, comprised of two large changes: 1. A total makeover of the brand identity and product design 2. A complete rewrite of the web client, to make it responsive and more performant After our change of name from to Whereby in August, we have spent the last few months on building out a new visual profile for the Whereby brand, starting with our team’s vision as the foundation: to give people the freedom to work and live where they thrive. We believe that flexible working should be (and will become) the default way of working. We believe people do their best work when they are happy and live a meaningful life. Different people need different surroundings to do their best work, and each and every one of us knows best what works for ourselves. With the flexibility to collaborate from anywhere, we want to let our users take back control of their working day and reduce the stress of balancing work and personal life. The new Whereby is designed to give our users flexibility and freedom. We wanted a design that was more human and calm than most software services out there, while keeping the playfulness and curiosity that the old brand had. You can read about the process behind the new brand in this post. In parallell with the new design, we have also rebuilt our web client from the ground up to make it responsive and work on in the browser on all devices. Finally it is possible to join from the browser on iOS, where before you had to download the app! The new web includes lots of performance improvements, new welcome pages, emoji reactions, new chat and soon also support for larger meetings with up to 50 people. To learn more about all these changes check out our blog. We hope you like the new design. Everything is not perfect yet, but we’ll keep working to make it the easiest video meeting experience out there! We’d love to hear any things you think can be improved.
Fajar Siddiq
@ingridod Congratulations on the launch! ;) i love it as always. Is there a way we can embed the link? so i can add on my website? Also wow you all overhaul your brand from appear in to the new colour. I really enjoy using this, especially when i'm nomading and i need to conference quickly, i just use the mobile app and i just connect it on the go and use my earpiece, no hassle.
Ingrid Ødegaard
Hi @fajarsiddiq! We have an early version of a developer API as an extension of our Business plan, that let you create ad hoc rooms programmatically and embed them on your site. You can see the documentation on and read more here:
Fajar Siddiq
@ingridod AMAZING. Do you have a demo i can see how it works?
Ingrid Ødegaard
@fajarsiddiq You can see it in action by testing our new Trello Power-up that lets you open a room embedded in a Trello board:
Bill Dinh
@fajarsiddiq @ingridod New Whereby user and I've fallen in love! We use it to talk with our remote team and our users weekly. Is the meetings api still available as an extension of the business plan? Would love to try that out but the current price of the api is too high for us. If you're open for a lower tier option, sign me up!
Anna Filou
Gorgeous rebrand! It looks much more like a service I'd be proud to use now. Had an account already (made it when they were still '') but never actually used it.
Ingrid Ødegaard
@anna_0x Thanks a lot @anna_0x, very happy to hear that! We wanted the brand to be more mature, but still playful. I hope you'll give it a try for your meetings, and let us know if you have any other feedback or suggestions for improvements.
Anna Filou
@ingridod Pretty sure I'll be using it from now on! Just looking at such a nice interface makes me enjoy my time more. The appeal is in the simplicity. Just a link and done!
Joachim Wernersson
My company uses this software to do 100+ meetings a week with potential customers. I’ve reviewed every alternative on the web but there is no service with lower threshold. No installation, no email, no nothing. Just click the link and you’re in the meeting. Super impressed by the team whom I’ve had a meeting with. This service is pure product-market fit.
Sean Percival
@890622joachim Thanks Joachim. It really shines in that type of use. What I call "high frequency meetings" where you don't have to worry about the link/code/pin changing every time.
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
Wow, this is quite the brand overhaul! Previously it was much more staid...!
Ingrid Ødegaard
@chrismessina Thanks for hunting us @chrismessina! 😄 We have come a long way since the original hunt in 2014, so the brand was very overdue for a facelift. Hope you will like the new version and let me know if you have any feedback!
Dot Creatives
Trying to understand how it is different from video or voice call on whatsapp or duo...
Sean Percival
@dot_creatives Hey there! There are lots of great ways to meet over video, those two specifically are more about your seeing your close contacts and family. In our case we're more a tool for freelancers to small and medium businesses. You get a custom meeting link ( that your guests can join directly from the browser with no login or no apps to install. You can further brand the room to represent yourself or your company. It's free to get started so go ahead try it and please let us know your feedback.
Lyondhür Picciarelli
Most certainly. Great rebranding. Reliable as always/ever.
I don’t know is it just me. H1 font in your website doesn’t seem to have natural stretch. Looks promising! I will give it a try.
Bjarte Misund
@vadivelk Hey Vadi! Thanks for your feedback. I hope what you're seeing is the beautiful custom Roslindale Condensed made by the amazing David Jonathan Ross ( for Whereby. And if so it is condensed by design. We use this font for titles only. For larger blocks of text we also use Roslindale Text for better legibility. In addition to Inter ( for body copy.
James Andrews
I really like this. I messed around with but it never grabbed me and this does. I've been using video communication software since the stone ages so I feel like I have seen it all. Great job. I will use for meetings and for my Authenticated community. Really want to know when you will allow for more users or is it possible after the room hits capacity for viewers to still view but not participate. For example if I wanted to DJ a set tonight from my kitchen in a one to many use (joking not joking, I do spin)
Sean Percival
@keyinfluencer Hey James, and yes the Pro plan can have up to 12 participants. Our new meetings plans are also going to support even larger rooms.
Edoardo Parisi
Using it since u were ;) Keep going guys! Love your product
Josh Hutchins
Great redesign here. Clearly well thought out and tested. I also love the minimal feel compared to the industry’s standard, which is a relatively stale UX.
Discovered this yesterday when Zoom was failing hard. I'll never look back. An incredible product.
Jean-Philippe Trinh
I look forward to giving it a try for my next projects ! Love the simplicity of your product and the free tier to get started :)
Roman Akhmetzianov
Just had the meeting through the Whereby yesterday
Tuğkan Cengiz
I use Whereby since era and pushing everyone to use it on almost all of my internal/external meetings. Really liked the idea and the performance of the product. Also, kudos to the logo!
Sharath Kuruganty
This is amazing. I was a DAU for and used it for most of my remote meetings. Love the new brand and new identity. Congrats guys. Excited to start using Whereby
Sean Percival
@5harath Thanks Sharath!
Ellen Choi
looks great! how does it compare to zoom for latency and speed?
Stewart Alexander
@lnchoi Personally I see a better response with Whereby, why I personally pay for it. There's free competition coming into this space, take a look sometime at or sometime. seems pretty nice, have yet to use it in practice though
Kevin Yun
One of the best rebrandings I have ever seen. Brand feels incredible
Oh wow, I love the designs. I know this isn't a comment on the product itself, but I'll admit I clicked on the link because I found your logo beautiful and wanted to see more. Great job!
Tony Amoyal
I'm a long time user and this is one of my favorite products. Congrats!
Caleb Ontiveros
Noticed the redesign on a call today. Looks great.