Flow Studio by Wia - Where people and things go to talk
Introducing Flow Studio - The easiest, most intuitive way to turn your devices into smart, useful things. Want to be sent an SMS when your plant is thirsty? Just add your devices and build your Flow.
We've got all of your favourite integrations including Slack, Twilio and Twitter. Push data to your own services using our webhooks.
Open Lung - Open Source Ventilator
Great product and amazing team behind the scenes
Pros:Easy to pick up/use and integrate with existing systems
Cons:Didn’t have it sooner
Wia boasts a broad range of integrations and I can see it becoming the goto for developers building IoT projects in the near future, not to mention the remainder of the makers market.
Pros:Great selection of Integrations. Makes building an IoT project easy.
Cons:Can't think of any, truthfully.
Open Lung - Open Source Ventilator
Open Lung - Open Source Ventilator
Open Lung - Open Source Ventilator
WIA are a great company at the forefront of IOT. Their api is clean and
Pros:Excellent integrations and easy to
Cons:Why didn't I hear about this sooner.