Michael Andreuzza

Wicked Popups - Tailwind CSS pop-ups to grab your customers attention

Tailwind CSS Pop-Ups/modals for your Tailwind CSS websites.
18 Coded Tailwind CSS Dialogs, Signups and Social popups available with HTML and Talwind CSS

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Michael Andreuzza
So, last week I was about to work on my micro SAAS and I saw that my family was going to be away probably the whole day, and that meant zero distractions. https://wickedpopups.com/ So I decided to challenge myself to build the product and this is what I had to do: Design and build the popups. Design and build the website where this will be displayed. Design the logo. Design the open graph. Design and make favicons. Pack it up. Make store on Gumroad and all upload everything. Deploy on Netlify. Get domain and link it. Wait for propagation. ( I should have done this first ) Optional. Tweet my progress during the day. And then. I tweeted around 9.44 about the idea, and around 10.30 - 11.00 I was already working on the popups. I had to do some dad and husband things after they came home and it took away time from the challenge. I was done around 23.30 It was fun. The Pop Ups are made for Tailwind CSS and are on FREE TODAY! Feel free to ask me here or on twitter: https://twitter.com/Mike_Andreuzza /Mike
Dawn Veltri
Michael, you did all of this in ONE day? Seriously impressive. Congrats!
Michael Andreuzza
@dawn_veltri1 Sorry, I just saw this coment Dawn, I am so sorry... I did actually. It helped the fact that I pictured the steps on my mind.
Dawn Veltri
@michael_andreuzza This is EPIC. Let's make delaying responses for 4 months a thing. I'm usually like, "Oh well, never talking to that person ever again!" The procrastinator in me loves it.
Michael Andreuzza
@dawn_veltri1 Well, It was rude of me to leave you without an answer... but yeah, we should respond as much as we can anytime we can.
Musharof Chowdhury
Congrats one the launch dude, solid idea
Michael Andreuzza
@musharofchy Hey Musharof! Thank you so much!
Csaba Kissi
Amazing work Mike! I like them! 👏🤝
Michael Andreuzza
Thank you so much @csaba_kissi!
Himanshu Mishra
Congrats on the launch, Michael!
Michael Andreuzza
Thank you @zicsus !!
Manu Arora
The speed is unreal, the product is amazing! :D
Michael Andreuzza
Manu!! thankl you man @manuarora
Bertie IP
Congratulations on the launch, @michael_andreuzza - such an impressive timeline, and the pop-ups look great! 🚀
Michael Andreuzza
Thank you so much @bertie, really appreciate.
Mert Baser
Useful & Simple - Thank you Michael!
Michael Andreuzza
Hey Mert! @mertbaser You welcome and thanks for the kind words!
Congrats on the launch! Super impressed with Wicked Templates, and this looks great as well.
Gustavo Garcia G
They look amazing! pop ups are something we all need in some point ;)
Michael Andreuzza
@theluctus Gracias Gustavo!!
Mike Cardona
Great stuff, Michael!!
Jiawei Li
This looks great.
Michael Andreuzza
Thank you so much Jiawei @jiawei_li2.
Bogdan Nichovski
Clean and cool! Amazing idea and very good product. Congrats Mike
Michael Andreuzza
Thank you so much Dan ! @bogdan_nichovski
Vadym Shcherbakov
Amazing nice looking tool. Great idea!
Adam Byron
looks is great.
Michael Andreuzza
Thjankl you so much @adambyrons !
Amber Sean
Super cool and interesting, congrats on the launch!
Victor G. Björklund
Wow great and useful!
Linus Aarnio
Nice work Mike! These popups are amazing, and even more so for being done in one day 💪
Michael Andreuzza
Thank you Linus! @linus_aarnio This is the refacored version, the ones I made the first day were too bad to have them up there :-)
Great work Micheal
John Torjo
Love it! Congrats!