Hey gang! We're back! Our iOS SDK allows you to replace links and webviews (or links out to a web browser app) with native cards. Rendering content natively allows you to deliver the fast, beautiful experience users expect from your app-- and avoid sending them to slow, frustrating and inconsistent mobile web. It's kind of having your cake and eating too: you get to stay open to third party web content, but avoid the mobile web and keep it native.
Really excited to start opening the platform and service we built our app on up to the rest of the iOS community. Open card technology for other app's has always been the third leg of the Wildcard stool, and this is v1!
@mzuvella Hey Matt! Nothing live in the App Store right now, but that video is of an actual iOS implementation @davex_87 built as if he were an outside SDK user.
@aaronlammer third party content as well. Our goal is to have complete coverage for all of the links passing through your app, and we're well on the way. Grab an API key and see for yourself :)
@aaronlammer This validator: http://www.trywildcard.com/partn... ? That's a tool for folks publishing cards (vs. rendering them in their apps), so it just validates JSON. Our service takes in webpages (via URL) and outputs JSON-- but that's part of the SDK and not reflected in the Validator. Happy to explain more or answer other questions at max at trywildcard dot com.
It looks really good. You can definitely use it to make webviews look more like native experiences. I already have a few things in mind this will be perfect for.
@shlominissan Thanks, Shlomi! Just to be clear, our SDK allows you to eliminate webviews entirely-- we deliver the content to you via API as structured JSON, and you render it natively in iOS.
It's not window dressing on webviews-- it's a new house!
@f Hey Fred- Thanks for the feedback. There are a few limitations, but primarily we're a small team who really wants to nail localization, and has a ton of different content types to deal with in our platform (many of which are treated differently around the world). We're working on it and will definitely let you know when Wildcard is available internationally.
@maxbulger: figured that might be it, but at the same time millions of apps launch un-localized versions around the globe and do extremely well. You can then launch localization updates at will.
I would prefer to have my products in the hands of more people, than limit my options to a few select countries. A country-specific launch effectively negates your ability to launch successfully elsewhere - there simply won't be as much momentum. Also, since you guys are now releasing an SDK, do you expect developers who use it to also limit their releases? And if you don't (because why would you) why do you impose that on yourselves? ;-)
Anyway, again, happy for your launch.
Very very cool. Are you planning to add maps card too? I saw a bunch of options in the pipeline (video, photo, etc) but not maps. That would be cool and very useful! Congrats anyway - we are going to try it asap.
Very cool! I researched this space a bit recently and convinced myself that one could potentially create visual links for sharing, similar to how Facebook does when one is posted. Really happy to see someone tackling this! I look forward to seeing your success.
Longform - 164: Lena Dunham
Longform - 164: Lena Dunham
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