Window Swap
Open a new window somewhere in the world
Hiten Shah
WindowSwap — Open a new window somewhere in the world
A view from other people's windows.
Hiten Shah
How cool is this?! A window into people's windows. And you can submit your own 10 minute video to be included.
Hiten Shah
Are you going to submit your window?
Tom Bielecki
This would be amazing combined with something like Perch. Have dedicated screens on the walls in your space that are actually windows to other locales.
Chris Herbert
This is really cool. Quick glimpses of the world
Greg Wehmeyer
Now, if there were a way to save a window in favorites! That would be the best
Greg Wehmeyer
Would be even better if you could set one on a continuous loop... Just listening to the traffic in Copenhagen and seeing only a sliver of it around the window I'm working in is way realistic!
Greg Wehmeyer
This is so damn relaxing!
This is nice and soothing, I like the clean UI too.
Jake Tran
a Chrome extension maybe for your new tab page?
This is really pretty awesome. But isn't the name SWAP and not SNAP?
Mark Walker
what a brilliant project! well done!
Bernie Klein
Really love this!
Danny Blast
Josh van Etten
Such a fun idea, and so current! good job
Sonali Ranjit
Hello Hiten! Sonali Ranjit here, one of the co-founders of WindowSwap along with my husband Vaishnav Balasubramaniam :) We'd love to be credited in your description of the website. Thanks for posting about WindowSwap - so glad you like it. Also - we'd made a bunch of updates to the site recently, do take a look! P.S - The title should be WindowSwap :)