Michael Andreuzza

Windstatic V2 - TailwindCSS & Alpinejs elements/layouts ready to copy-paste

A free collection of aesthetically designed elements & layouts made with Tailwind CSS and Alpine.js ready to copy n' paste into your next project!

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Michael Andreuzza
## Windstatic Windstatic V2 A free collection of aesthetically designed elements & layouts made with Tailwind CSS and Alpine.js On this update all blocks have been redesigned. ❖ 197 Components ❖ 24 Different categories Additions on this update: ❖ Templates ❖ Pricing Styled blocks ❖ Hero styled blocks You will find: ❖ Hero ❖ Features ❖ Grids ❖ Footers ❖ Cta ❖ Testimonials ❖ Logo clouds ❖ Gallery ❖ Pricing ❖ Faq ❖ Team ❖ Blog ❖ Newsletter ❖ Error ❖ Navbars ❖ Flyout menu ❖ Sidebar menus ❖ Breadcrumbs ❖ Tabs ❖ Pagination ❖ Vertical navigation ❖ Steps ❖ Command palettte ❖ Sign in and registrations If you have any questions, feel free to reach out here or feel free to follow me on twitter at twitter.com/Mike_Andreuzza. — Keep an eye because soon is coming the pro version. Hope you find it useful
Launch days are the best! 🥳 Windstatic V2 looks super handy for all Tailwind and Alpine.js lovers. One question: how do you handle the integration of these elements with existing, more complex Tailwind projects? Keep rocking! 🚀
This resource is a gift that keeps on giving! Super generous collection of very high-quality designs.
congrats on the launch of windstatic v2. with such a diverse range of components and categories, it must have been a massive effort. are there any components that are most requested or get particularly more usage compared to others?