Karan Kanwar

Crisis Response Matching - Donation matching platform in response to the Coronavirus

The Crisis Response Matching app links those who need supplies, volunteers, and donations for COVID-19 to those who are willing to supply, donate, and volunteer - globally.

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Karan Kanwar
Hi, Iā€™m Karan, a Co-Founder at Wing AI, we recently launched the Wing Assistant (https://www.producthunt.com/post...) on Product Hunt. Today, we put together this app in response to the growing need for supplies & volunteers around the world due to the aggressive spread of COVID-19. We had multiple people asking us to leverage our technology to create something like this in just the last 2 days, and so we put this app together in less than 8 hours today! As we are just launching this, the more people that use it, the more useful it will be! Please check back and see if there's anything you help with or volunteer for tomorrow or in the coming days. Please help the people who really need donations & supplies, get access to them! You can do that really easily by sharing this far and wide! šŸš€ Stay safe everyone! šŸ± We would love feedback on how to make this better & more useful for the world! UPDATE: In just the last 3 hours we've added 12 more cities! We're constantly adding them! Let us know if you want us to add your city.
Kexuan Zhang
Very nice product!! It's very helpful during this horrible time and it definitely makes my life much easier. I would recommend this app for everyone. Hope we all stay health and safe at home with everything we need.
Karan Kanwar
@kexuan_zhang Thank you! We hope you're able to find value in this tool, whether it be as a volunteer, or someone requesting! Let us know if you think we can update it in any way to be more helpful :-)
Kristin Ulbricht
Hi Makers! This looks fantastic. I am currently in Bremen, Germany but I can't select this city. Is there any way I can give to people here in my area through your platform?
Karan Kanwar
@kristinulbricht Of course! We just added Bremen, Germany :-)
Kishlaya Sharma
Pls add Ahmedabad and Bhilwara in India as well
Karan Kanwar
@kishlaya_sharma We just went ahead and added both Ahmedabad and Bhilwara :-)
Roland Polzin
@kishlaya_sharma We just did! Thank you for your contribution! <3
Kishlaya Sharma
Cheers Guys ! You all are super fast !
Roland Polzin
@kishlaya_sharma Thanks, Kishlaya. We hope to be able to do our part so that we all can get through this together!
Astro Samip
Awesome . I like it.This is needed for all the person in the world and helps all person . It is good for all and mainly to ta covid 19 affected and suffering from this...
Karan Kanwar
@astro_samip We are glad to be of help! Please share with your friends & family for the tool to add maximum value to your community!
@karan_kanwar Hardly any entries in Philippines. Trying to post, but it doesn't seem to be appearing.
Karan Kanwar
Hi @rolodexter! Sorry for the somewhat confusing nature of the app, the are certainly some cons to launching software built in just a few hours...šŸ˜… We will try to make the tool more friendly in the coming hours. The post you made did indeed appear, however, it appears here: https://crisis.getwingapp.com/ap... (the page where for those who are looking for help, can browse) Wing's Twitter account just clarified this: https://twitter.com/getwingapp/s... UPDATE: As a quick fix, we added more apparent titles & explanations. We will try and fix this more permanently in the coming hours, though.
Great idea, superb implementation and delivery. Keep it up Wing!
Roland Polzin
@mo3 Thank so much! Please feel free to share the platform as much as you can so we can make this highly relevant and effective against the virus.
Shubham Sharma
It sounds an interesting product catering a global crisis. In these unprecdeneted times, Wing has demonstrated a character to support the society. I was curious to understand the turnaround time for the request and sanity of the products delivered?
Roland Polzin
@triangle Thanks for your question! The turnaround time will be as fast as someone who matches uses the platform. So, if you are a hospital in need of masks and put in that request, you will get help as soon as a donor or supplier sees your request and answers it! The quality will depend on the suppliers/givers.
Vamsi K
Could you please add Hyderabad,banglore and Chennai cities ( India) too.
Roland Polzin
@vamsi_k Done! Thank you for helping out!!!
Karan Kanwar
@vamsi_k We went ahead and added Chennai, Banglore & Hyderabad! :-)
Kirran Guptaai
Great,it will have great help in this time of covid-19 crisis. Please add New Delhi & Maharashtra in India
Karan Kanwar
@kirran_guptaai We have added Delhi NCR! We are currently adding by major city, which other major cities in Maharashtra shall we add? We've added Mumbai so far
Kirran Guptaai
Please add Pune in India
Karan Kanwar
@kirran_guptaai We're sorry our list is a little disorganized...! Pune is already in there :-) If you scroll down toward the group of cities in India, it's listed! We will try to clean up that list in the coming hours!
Divyash Agrawal
Great initiative @saigupta , yet another deed that demonstrates your selflessness, admiration and compassion to do good. Cheers to the team of The Crisis Response Matching app for this great idea, hope this exceeds your expectations. šŸ‘šŸ»
Himani Gupta
Its an awesome product!!!Much needed in today's time amongst all this chaos!!! Much appreciation!šŸ‘
Roland Polzin
@himani_gupta1 Thank you for the probs - it's great to hear that we are able to provide some value where it's most needed!
Pa Trick
I am still super excited. You guys are awesome. Is this service in Japan also available?