@askdaylen We are always evaluating new product partnerships, but the ones you specifically mention would be platform-wide, not Relay-specific, if we did them.
@askdaylen We love Alexa and the Relay is currently getting tons of love, it's not outside the realm of possibility. I do think it's important to highlight some of the differences between Alexa and Relay though, especially that Relay is a much better device for ambient *output* whereas Alexa is a much better device for ambient *input*. Not that Relay couldn't do some input as well, but its strength vs. Alexa is that it's an always available display.
@askdaylen hmm. I know that Home Depot ecomm is operated a little differently than the stores, but I would have expected it to show. I've just double checked with our team though, and they assure me that it's available in-store. Try calling your local store; otherwise, there is always wink.com