Sara Mauskopf, CEO of

Winnie Parenting Communities - Connect with informed parents on a variety of topics

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Sara Mauskopf, CEO of
Hi everyone, Sara from Winnie here. We just launched special interest communities on Winnie at (and also available in our iPhone app, and our Android app These are places to get advice and connect with informed parents on a variety of topics like adoption, single parenting, saving money, raising special needs children, and so much more. We want to ensure that we have the best possible resource for parents in any family situation, at any age or stage. That's why topic communities on Winnie are designed to be relevant, informative and safe. You can read more about our launch on our Medium post Excited to hear what you think!
Matt Holsinger
@sm Something that always irks me about parenting apps & forums: they quickly devolve into unhelpful comments and wind up sounding like "I don't know why you're so terrible at this; my LO is 2 and she can swim three laps without assistance, plays Mozart beautifully and is reading at a 5th grade level." Do you plan on harnessing this behavior somehow? I guess I'm curious what the moderation and policing is like to discourage that type of behavior and encourage support.
Sara Mauskopf, CEO of
@mattholsinger Yes! Everything on Winnie including the communities are moderated through both automated techniques and humans to ensure the discussions always stay useful, relevant and safe! This is a huge issue with mothers group so we set out to ensure Winnie is never like that from day 1.
Sean Schick
@sm Love the app. I've already saved a few items that I plan to do this weekend with the kids while my wife is out of town. The one thing that I'd like to see is the ability for me to add places. I live in a town with many wonderful parks, but none are listed and it requires me to send an email to your team to add them. Would love to submit them through the app somehow.
Sara Mauskopf, CEO of
@sean_schick working on it... very soon!
Anne K. Halsall
👋🏼 I'm Sara's cofounder Anne and I lead product at Winnie. Happy to answer any questions about design, product decisions or implementation!
Sara Mauskopf, CEO of
@annekate what's your favorite topic on Winnie?
Anne K. Halsall
@sm Working Parents! I've gotten so many good tips on time management, helpful products and just overall support when I'm feeling down about missing out on time with my kids.
Susan Ho
This is so so smart and needed.
Lisa Q. Fetterman
An actually useful app for parents!
Mike Slagh
Awesome direction @sm, the resources out there are so fragmented and I think examples like SmartMom, FB groups and Parenthoods have shown parents deeply need a trusted group to help with Q&A. I see travel and local discovery apps going in a community first direction and love the similar dynamic.
Kevin Mehrabi
Avni sirohi
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Ken Vandervort
It amy be a nice tool. It will be good to read differnet topics realted to children and products for your kids. ALso, it will be good to read about such tips as how to pressure mounted gate top stairs or similar.