Jon Sutherland

Wiplo 2.0 - Move projects forward, effectively

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Will Monk
Are you related to Your logo is almost identical.
Jon Sutherland
@willmonk Not related, just a coincidence.
Moshe Bari
@jmsuth @willmonk Noticed the resemblance right away as well, but hey Assembly is gone now.
@jmsuth @willmonk wow, really having a hard time believing that. font is even similar...
Jon Sutherland
@8bit proxima nova soft has been around for a while 😁 it is very similar, but was really unintentional. Believe what you wish
Ben Tossell
@jmsuth how do you stack up against Trello and others in this space?
Jon Sutherland
@bentossell Great question, this is something I get asked a lot. The main difference is how you structure projects. In Trello, you typically use one board at a time, and create as many columns as you need for your project. This often causes the UI to scroll horizontally as the board becomes more complex. With Wiplo, instead of one board with unlimited columns, you create a board for each stage of your project's workflow, and each board/stage only has four columns: Later, Upcoming, In Progress, and Complete. Because of this, when a user jumps between different boards and projects, their eyes go straight to the In Progress column, instead of having to scroll horizontally or figure out how this new project they're looking at is structured. It's a subtle change, but has had a huge impact. Going forward, we'll provide analytics for a project so you can understand how each stage of your workflow is doing, and identify who the rockstars are for each stage. On top of that, we are insanely focused on clean, minimalist design. We want the experience to be pixel-perfect and delightful, and believe it's about time enterprise software caught up with the rest of the design world 😁
Ben Tossell
@jmsuth interesting! How did you come to this conclusion? Is this something people are really looking for? It's becoming quite a crowded space so less and less room to define a USP so keen to see how you plan to continue innovating here. What are your bigger plans too?
Jon Sutherland
@bentossell It started out as a tool I built just for myself. I am an extremely organized (borderline OCD) person, and the current solutions were just too busy for me, and didn't match how I worked. I wasn't positive at the time if it would resonate with others, but the feedback has been amazing so far. As for bigger plans, I don't want to give away everything just yet! We like challenging how things are, and are going to continue doing that.
Ben Tossell
@jmsuth I like hearing founders building for themselves first! And can definitely resonate on the borderline OCD (although mines not organisation) Hmm ok ...
Enrico Foschi
Well done @jmsuth - some feedback. * I use f.lux, like many others. This makes some low contrast button quite hard to read (e.g. main yellow-white CTA at the top) * this space is very crowded. Trello is a clear winner and I see how you want to differentiate yourself. Although, we as possible customers have the opportunity to use free tools that *eventually* we start paying for. What I saw happening many times in different companies is that many employees or team members with no buying power start to use new tools like these. After a few weeks, months, the whole team / company decides to move on the tool that best fits their needs and subscribes to a premium account. If you have just a 14 days trial, they wouldn't bother even trying it as they wouldn't be able kickoff a subscription within that timeframe. * while I like the product, I dislike the pricing model. It's too simple and based on the "the bigger Remember that the more users you get on board, the more your product will get out. you are, the more money you have" assumption. You could focus on # of projects, types of branding, etc.... * asking for credit card on signup is an entry barrier that, in this space, only well established players can afford. New services like yours may find quite a drop rate on the signup page (would love if you could report what drop rate you have from @producthunt subscribers). The "standard" (I wish!) these days is to get users onboarded in the easiest and fastest way, satisfy them with a WOW service and upsell upgrades in the UX. Users will give you the cc details when they want to / are willing to pay (and THAT'S commitment!). Users don't tend to trust services that ask CC details beforehand to automatically charge once the trial begins. A final but very important suggestion, because of the (I assume) high drop rate in the signup screen, try to show the credit card form AFTER users enter their details. This way, if they drop, you still have their emails and names and can follow up and maybe offer them a "free version". As a last note, a big thumbs up for kicking off a service that came out of a personal need. A lot of makers build their on PM tool, but few can deliver such a high quality UX like yours. I will stay tuned to find out how it grows.
Jon Sutherland
@enricofoschi Hi Enrico! Thank you so much for the feedback, you make a lot of great points. Our focus has been entirely on the experience inside the product, I'm excited to shift a lot of our attention to on-boarding and improving the performance of the funnels you mentioned. Our pricing has started out extremely simple, it's something we need to tweak so that it aligns with users better. Overall, today has taught us a lot, we're considering a free plan for 1, maybe 2 users to solve a lot of the issues you brought up.
Jon Sutherland
@nsbraksa We just added a Personal plan! Also comes with a 14-day trial, and is $5 / month after that
Dre Durr💡
The UI is very beautiful. @jmsuth I like that you have a designated workflow. That makes it easier to learn
Jon Sutherland
@dredurr Thank you! We are extremely dedicated to design and UX, so that means a lot.
Alex Yaseen
One of the things I really like about this is how focused and uncluttered it is. I've tried many productivity and task management apps, but I rarely stick with them. I think a large part of that is being overwhelmed by features and having too many decisions to make each time I create a new issue. This, on the other hand, seems so focused that the effort to keep it up-to-date is minimal. I'm sure some people will want a more "kitchen sink" approach, but for me in this case, less is more. Great work!
@jmsuth tell us about the updates to Wiplo!
Jon Sutherland
Thanks @katesegrin! We've made a ton of big improvements to Wiplo that have made the entire experience more intuitive and effective. Some of the main improvements include: - Customize projects with as many boards as you need to match your workflow - Start new projects with a template to give you a jump-start - Create a team and add all team members to your workspace - More powerful cards (mentions, blockers, due dates, attachments, etc.) - Real-time updates as changes happen, no refresh required Happy to answer any questions about the product! We're also working on some cool integrations, and a mobile application.
Leo Zakour
We are using Trello, and since we lack some features I would like to know if Wiplo could fit on what we need and normally use. - Integrations with github and slack? - Can you add more columns. At bons we use the same structure you mention but with 2 more columns: blocker and backlog - Can you assign cards/tasks to multiple people? - Do you have or integrate with a time tracker? - Do you have a dashboard or calendar view to see the due dates and general progress from all the boards together? - Can you mark somehow when someone (in particular) is working on a card? (like on trello we use a tag for each person, but it's not that good) Thanks! :)
Jon Sutherland
@leozakour That's great to hear! - Integrations (not yet, but they're are coming very very soon) - You cannot add more columns, but you can add a blocker to each card in any column, and people use the Later column as a Backlog - Currently you cannot assign cards to multiple people, working on this though! - We do not integrate with a time tracker. I'd love to hear what kind of integration you like, this is something that we haven't explored yet - We're working on a dashboard view, for projects and for people. You'll be able to see the status of a project at a glance, and also see everything an individual person is working on - Maybe I'm not understanding your last question correctly, but the way most Wiplo users do it is they only move cards to In Progress when the person it is assigned to is actively working on it. Hope that helps, happy to clear up anything I missed.
Leo Zakour
@jmsuth Thanks for the reply! :) ... sounds really promising. - Do you have some ETA for the Integrations? that's kind of the most critical part to switch from trello... because atm we create issues on github and populate trello using zappier. - The time tracker we are using toggl which is great. The integration with trello for toggle kind of sucks but does the job, which is a chrome extension to show the timer there and pull the data from the card. The ideal as a user would be to have a time tracker on the task manager (with a export report feature for the clients)... from the business perspective, I'm a toggl paid user and if you give me a trello style time manager that tracks time I'm redirecting the money to that simply because is a comprehensive solution and saves me some time. - As a user feedback... for the dashboard the most necessary thing is actually seeing a comprehensive calendar to see due dates from all projects together, everything else is extra (but welcome) - what I've meant for the "working on" is actually not a super need, but would be really useful. I'm running a digital agency so we have developers and designers working together. Let's say a card is "add a calendar dropdown"... this needs design & developer, so it could happen that the designer and the developer are both working on this at the same time (or even 2 developers which brings more issues), but as a product manager I have no idea about it unless I ask (and asking is annoying people)... so, if you could say "I'm working on this" while you are doing it would make everyone be on the same page. This can also be sort out if you have a time tracker and see that there are people tracking time. Again, this is a super cool feature I want, not a super need.
Tyson Caly
@jmsuth I'm quite impressed. This is very well thought out, beautifully designed, and has such great potential. I will be reviewing this with my team to see if this would make sense for us. Really great work. I'd love to chat offline sometime on some things I could see you incorporating in the future.
Jon Sutherland
@tysoncaly Thank you so much for your kind words, it really means a lot. I'd love to chat offline, you can email me at and we can go from there!
Vlad Arbatov
As a Russian speaking person I get a lot of disappointment when fantastic projects use fonts with no cyrillic support. It's just ugly looking with fallback fonts. I see how using only universal fonts damages ideal visual concept, but at least it doesn't look like something's broken.
Jon Sutherland
@vladzima Oh no! This is something that wasn't on our radar, we'll look into fixing it as soon as possible. Thanks for letting me know
Paul Stavropoulos
interesting! Haven't used it, but I can tell you I feel this is perhaps the missing key from Slack in my opinion. If there was an integration I'd certainly use it. I really hate the trello slack integration. Why not use Slack's insane growth as a potential ship for yours? Additionally, from screenshots, the UI scheme isn't too far off from slack's as well...
Jon Sutherland
@pstav90 integration is on the way!!
Jon Sutherland
Happy to answer any questions!
Stowe Boyd
@jmsuth I'd like several things. Most importantly, a display of all tasks for me (or other users) across projects. And a list view for projects. Oh, and a bookmarklet so I can take any page and turn into a task.