Wire’s voice calls have always been end-to-end encrypted. Today, we expand this to include all conversation content — text messages, video calls, photos, sketches. It is all now encrypted end-to-end, which means it is private and secure.
We believe Wire is the only solution in the market to offer fully encrypted audio calls, video calls and group chats that work across all devices (including Mac OS and Windows). The encryption is transparent, it’s always on. Unlike specialized security apps we do not sacrifice usability for security — there is no set-up or configuration and the encryption does not get in the way.
Congrats! Wire is indeed the most beautifully designed messaging app. Apart from introducing end-to-end encryption on all content, what else is new in Wire 2.0, @teller ?
I've been a big fan of Wire since I started using it about a year ago. Embedded Soundcloud widgets and pings are two of my favourite features - not to mention the crispy HD call quality 👌
@teller I don't really know if it's about adding right now. The functionality of this app is second to none and really enjoyable to use. I think it's about refinement. A different typeface could work really well in polishing the app slightly. I feel like the current offering is slightly generic.
@ricricucit Hi Enrico, not today. We do support group chats of up to 128 people (encrypted, of course) but you'll need to be connected to someone who's already in the chat and they then add you.
How well does Wire support making backups of chats and restoring them on a new phone? I've recently had quite a bit of trouble with this while using the Signal android app.
@ninerdelta Frankly we don't have a solution for it yet. However, we do realize the importance so already thinking about potential solutions that are easy to use but are also secure.
Great job! I like that you changed the course of application to more secure messaging app. Some small squishy bugs still bother me, but in general, I love it.
- Option to see read/delivered states.
- Option to pick images like in FB Messenger.
- Option to choose GIFs like in FB Messenger.
- Better separation between my messages vs. others
- Smart push notifications between different platforms. It's no point to send me a push notification while I'm currently having a active conversation on the Mac app.
- Option to pick background image and avatar separately.
- Option to get rid of this invite bar when you are new user.
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