Wishfinity - All your wishes in a single sharable link
Wishfinity allows family and friends to exchange perfect presents. Create and share a free universal wishlist that combines all retailers and brands into a single link. No more guesswork. No more unwanted merchandise. Give and get the right gifts every time.
Wishfinity Browser Extensions - Add to your universal wishlist with a single click
Whenever you’re online and see something you want, simply click the +W button in your favorite browser’s toolbar, and the wish will automatically save to your Wishfinity centralized wishlist. Keep all your wishes together regardless of retailer or brand.
+Wishfinity Button Generator - Makers, push your products into consumers' wishlists
With a single click, the +Wishfinity button allows consumers to add your merchandise to their universal wishlist. It’s free to use and you can add it to anything you choose: product webpages, advertising, social, emails, anything imaginable.