Phil Nottingham

Wistia Channels - Embeddable Netflix-like video gallery

Embed a full-screen viewing experience with multiple videos into any existing web page. No subdomains, No ads, and No additional development required.

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Phil Nottingham
Hi Product Hunt! Super excited about Wistia Channels, which we see as the first step towards providing a product suite that supports businesses creating episodic video content. It's meant to maximize watch time and consumption, providing a distraction-free alternative to a YouTube channel which can provide value for any part of a company's website. If you sign-up for Wistia today (for free - you can try out test drive Wistia Channels for the integrations page in app. Please get at the team with any questions or feedback!
John Doherty
@philnottingham this is awesome! Definitely solves a problem I've been thinking about. You may have a new customer :-D
Nithin Raj
@philnottingham This is awesome. Signed up for an account. but not able to test this feature. could you help with that please?
@philnottingham @nithinrj Sending you a message!
Phil Nottingham
@dohertyjf Delighted to hear it!
Tarek Pertew
Wish we had this about 60 days ago for one of our custom built channel pages. May just switch on over to this. Well done @brendan and co.
Brendan Schwartz
@tarekp Thanks! Sorry this wasn't around when you built your channel. I feel the same way for our One, Ten, One Hundred series -- had to build that custom. Hit me up with feedback when you give it a try. This is just the start for this feature!
Chris Wilson
I would LOVE to see @Wistia consolidate all of the content from their makers into a single, searchable place to take over YouTube! If a maker wants it to appear on the larger platform they could opt in per video or project or account.
Brendan Schwartz
@wistia @automateiq Hey Chris, love this. Curious what you don't like about YouTube and think we'd be able to do better?
Santosh Panda
Awesome addition! Valuable to bring all video in one or more channels!
Subscription based, for a video gallery plug-in...
Marvin Borisch
@androidlove welcome to the new world where you are forced to sign up on a plattform and pay it monthly to use a snipped of code. So sad.
Chris Lavigne

I was using Squarespace to present videos for my freelance business. This makes it way easier. Here's a channel I made:


Unlike FB / Youtube I can embed it on my site Easy way to present a group of videos Updates in realtime if you change any videos No ads


Need to have a Wistia account to use Limited customizations but it seems that more are coming

Yann Lhomme
This is great stuff Wistia team. This was so needed and I always wondered why it wasn't there yet. Now it is!
Lachlan Kirkwood
Awesome product guys! Working in a digital agency, this will be useful for so many of our clients 👍
Alex Newman
@philnottingham Is this a step towards a more complete OTT solution?
Phil Nottingham
@thedotmack to some extent, yes. It's the first step towards empowering and supporting businesses creating episodic, serialized video content. However, we still anticipate most consumption of this content to happen via phones, tablets and PCs, rather than TVs.
Alex Newman
@philnottingham Any plans for an OTT like portal solution similar to Vimeo OTT / VHX?
Phil Nottingham
@thedotmack Not in quite the same way, no. Our focus is supporting SMBs with their marketing, and we still think a website is ultimately the best channel for engaging audiences with video content.
Marvin Borisch

The current state of hip start ups and brands trying to bind people unnecessarily to their plattform for no real reason hinders projects and products to grow. The website also hides it pretty well on the product-landing, what the whole servie deal is about. What prices am I to expect and and and.




Plattform binding

Phil Nottingham
Thanks for the review Marvin. Take your point about pricing, which I agree is insufficiently clear. However, I do want to flag that Wistia does not try to artificially bind customers to the platform. We offer month by month payments, and try to make it as easy as possible to cancel or migrate to another service.
Maya Davis
wistia channels