WOCOO is a social network for Video on Demand. It allows users free access to movies & series while generating a constantly growing revenue stream for rights owners through advertising.
Since the beginning of time, people loved sharing stories. In the old days, they were shared in front of a fire, by an elder and experienced storyteller. It was always an amazing social experience and that was how knowledge was passed on and humanity evolved.
Today’s stories are the movies and series that we watch. They shape opinion, mindsets and even people’s life’s hopes and dreams. However, they aren’t social anymore – all the current systems push the audiences towards solitary experiences – sharing these stories is difficult, we have to do it on different channels and find our communities anywhere else, while the actual storytellers (the film creators) are not part of any discussion.
This is where WOCOO comes in: it connects the film creators with their audiences, enabling them to identify those audiences, connect with them and spread the word. It turns modern storytelling – the movies – into a conversation again – as it should be.
Stories are meant to be shared.