1. Tell Wonder what you'd like help researching
2. They'll send your request out to our research network
3. An expert researcher will email you back hand-picked resources within the hour
@jfeldstein@justpw is it free for right now just to give it a shot? I think you should have something around this. Like free during beta, or pay up front for an early adopter discounted price
Before joining @betaworks, I briefly worked with @justinpw and team on an earlier product (they're all great, btw). So I've been testing early version of Wonder for a bit. I've found it to be extremely helpful for the use case of wanting deep research where I don't need the results in real-time and I also don't want to spend hours combing through potential search results. The answers have been particularly good when I'm trying to learn something new versus questions that have a discrete answer.
As an example, @rrhoover's search fora date reservation is something that probably has a set of discrete results. However, I've found the best answers in Wonder to be ones that function more like Wikipedia -- the answers primarily serve to educate and then drive interest in learning more about the topic. However the Wonder responses feel like they get me up to speed more quickly and with less work than *wandering* through Wikipedia.
I'm currently interested to know about the AI algorithms different startups are using. I just asked it "What are the primary AI algorithms used by startups". I'll post the response.
UPDATE: here is the response: https://wonderlib.com/research-n...
@matthartman@justpw I wonder (puns intended and not done yet) if the landing page might benefit from a few examples of great use cases for Wonder - Ideally they'd also instill a sense of wonder about a few topics (the emotion I think you're going for) and help Wonder "click".
Like with Rabbits, I find myself wondering what I'd use it for until I see clever examples.
@staringispolite The landing page would definitely benefit from examples (among other things!). We have a small team and just haven't had time to get to it yet. Next time we want at least a 3 day warning before being posted on PH. =)
Just signed up and asked for a date restaurant recommendation with live music. I'll report back the results. 😀
UPDATE: Here's their response, about 20 minutes after asking my question:
Granted I should have been more specific but it would have been more useful if Philip provided a list of possible options.
I definitely think there could be great value in researching answers for questions, simply because there's too much information out there, but wouldn't it be way more useful if they sent actual answers or even suggestions, rather than resources to research the topic yourself? Isn't it likely the person knows the basic starting points of the research already?
@manasvinik Thanks for the comment! We do provide actual answers and suggestions – we just like to make sure those answers include cited resources that you can explore yourself if you'd like to go deeper.
@justpw Oh cool, the copy refers to only "handpicked resources" and the reply to Ryan's question above also referenced resources, so maybe consider adding that you get actual answers? Also, curious to know if the service is intended to be free?
Really neat product. I'm curious how it can be sustained as it grows, who pays the research team/network? Will there be a pricing plan implemented in the future for how many questions one can ask?
@chad_fullerton Thanks for the comment! We do intend to charge for the service at some point, though we haven't settled on the exact model. The ideal is certainly a system that is inexpensive enough for you to not have to worry about asking as many questions as you want.
I got my invite and tried it out. Truly amazing. Great info, fast, and right now free! I can see this being huge one day and lots of folks like me doing meeting prep who want research we are too lazy to get! I used it for market size research for a deck I was working on. I got a really strong answer.
The only thing I wish I could do was ask the researcher a followup question. I was given the option to ask another question altogether, but I'd really like to ask the researcher a clarification or followup. I will continue to use this service until I am priced out!
@adamslieb Thanks! I'm glad you're enjoying Wonder. Your comment on follow up questions is a good one, and we're hoping to have a better system for this in place soon. Please keep the feedback coming! You can email me anytime at my first name @wonderlib.
I've tested this a bunch with Justin and love it, content marketing noise made research and googling an art form so this is needed if you want real results.
I've been using Wonder for a few weeks now and I'm in love with it! It's like combining Quora with real academics, without the long waiting time). I've based a few content marketing projects around the feedback from Wonder already - seriously, you need to check this out!
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