Wooclap revolutionises the learning and teaching process by increasing student engagement and participation during classes.
Wooclap has just raised €1.4 million to better captivate students and revolutionise education!
🎉 Wooclap is FREE for K-12 SCHOOLS starting September 2018!!!
Used woodclap as a guest, worked perfectly even though we were in a crowded environment with low connectivity. Looking forward to use it again, great way of making events more interesting.
Pros:Really easy to use, good UI/UX
Cons:couldn't find any
I used wooclap as a guest at a corporate event. The host was celver to use several fun and interesting interactions which kept the audience engaged in what usually is a boring yearly review of the achievements of a company.
Pros:Really easy to use
Cons:Couldn't find any
A very fast growing tool!
Pros:Very intuitive and robust interface. Great variety of activities. Works also with SMS.
Cons:At this time : not always possible to edit the received submissions; free for students, but too high pricing for teachers.
I was looking for a tool to better engage with our audience at MeetUps that we organize with my company and I just found what I needed :-)
Pros:UX is great & the service answers a real problem
Cons:Nothing that comes to mind
Really nice product and nice blog :)
Pros:Excellent integrations
Cons:Website is a bit distractive
Lots of Love from your Home in San Francisco <3
Pros:Their product & team is avant-garde!
Cons:Too Damn Addictive.
I have been following Wooclap for a while now, and had the opportunity to test it at an event. Let me tell you: that's the next level of interactivity you want with your audience. We talk a lot about social interaction but less about live interaction. This should take your conferences to the top!
Pros:Easy to use interface, very intuitive
Cons:Can't find any at the moment. I think it's genius
There is a time before and after we started using Wooclap at my university
Pros:A gentle learning curve / integrates with PowerPoint flawlessly
Cons:none really
I came accross this product in college and thought it was really a great tool to revive class interactivity and get students involved in their learning ! I definitely recommend you to try it out at your next presentation !!
Pros:Easy to use & user friendly
Cons:Can't find any
I use Wooclap for all my trainings and I always get the "woo" effect. Students love it!
Pros:Very easy to use - Amazing UX - Powerful tool to improve the learning experience - Strong support
Cons:Would be great to have also an app for iPhone and Google Play