WordPress Theme Search
What WordPress Theme Is That?
Tom Masiero

WordPress Theme Search — What WordPress Theme Is That?


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Théo Blochet
Isn't looking at the code and searching for "themes/" just as fast as firing up one of these tools ? :)
Michael Sarlitt
@theoblochet haha I'm with you. My protocol is right-click > view source > search for "themes/" > google the name after that.
Tom Masiero
A nice little handy tool.. When trying to figure out which theme a site is using.
Fırat Demirel
@anujadhiya hi Anuj, you can promote your it on Wordpress Hunt too. ;) https://www.producthunt.com/tech...
Satori Studio
A nice detector! There's also http://satoristudio.net/what-wor..., it's similar but can be more precise at times.
Pavlos Giorkas
I am using this tool for 2 - 3 years now and I have to say that I am really impressed. 85% of the time, it finds the theme of the site I submit.
Pavlos Giorkas

I've been using this tool for more than 3 years and I highly recommend it.


85% (approximately) discover-ability rate.


Ummm... none...