Dave Kashen

Worklife Slackbot - Your personal meeting assistant, in Slack

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Boris VvZ
Most people at TNW now use this tool, and I'm going to install the Slack bot right away as well!
Dave Kashen
@boris Awesome, thanks Boris!
Dave Kashen
We just released a Slackbot that helps you prep you for upcoming meetings and lets you add & distribute agendas without leaving Slack. Let us know what you think...
Justin Winter
I absolutely love WorkLife and have been using it for organizing, preparing for, and running meetings for a while now.
Dave Kashen
@jcwinter Thanks man! Appreciate the kind words.
Greg Galant
We use WorkLife at all Muck Rack and Shorty Awards meetings -- it's made us much more efficient and keeps us all accountable for having a point to every meeting.
Dave Kashen
@gregory Thanks Greg! Glad to hear it.
Craig Jarrow
Dave, as big users of both WorkLife & Slack... we will be trying this out immediately. Keep up the great work!
Dave Kashen
@tmninja Thanks Craig! Let us know what you think.
Alex Perelman
WorkLife is fantastic and the Slack bot is a great addition. I've been using both over the last few weeks and it's been a great experience and very helpful to keep everyone on the same page by sending out notes to all the participants after the meeting is over. Minor thing, but would be nice to have the ability to exclude meetings without agendas or notes from the Slack bot though, such as standups or reminders.
Dave Kashen
@thinkmorebetter Thanks for the feedback, Alex. I'll talk to the team about excluding certain meetings from the Slackbot.
Scott Williams
Worklife is indespensable for us - we absolutely love it (and recommend it to our clients). Esp. love the recurring meetings function. We used the old slack integration to push meeting agendas/notes to Slack but the new integrations adds another level of productivity. Kudos Dave.
Dave Kashen
@scottwwilliams Awesome, thanks Scott!
Théo Blochet
Loved WorkLife (web version), looking forward to giving the bot a try.
Dave Kashen
@theoblochet Thanks Theo. Let us know what you think of the bot.
Bhavin Shah
If you lead any sort of team, you gotta use Worklife. This new Slackbot makes your agendas and follow-ups super easy and visible to the entire team.
Jacob Eeckhout
Hi. FYI worklife.com points to unsecure page at ...ciscospark.com