Chris Messina

Qordoba - AI writing assistant for teams

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Qordoba is the easiest way to help everyone on your team write well and on message. By creating writing styleguides in Qordoba, teams can write with the same style, terminology, and brand voice, wherever and whatever they write.

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May Habib
Hello PH community!đŸ˜œ I’m May, co-founder of Qordoba. So excited to be launching something here for the first time. For YEARS I have felt like a PH lurker, never brave enough to share what I was working on. I have so admired makers’ courage to put things out there, and now it’s our turn.đŸ’Ș Thank you for building such a safe and welcoming community. So, ⭐HOW DID WE GET HERE!⭐ Like many people, we were initially building something else. In that journey, we tried dozens of different versions of positioning and messaging in our quest for product market fit. We didn’t ultimately find it, but did find a problem that we encountered over and over: frequently, people at Qordoba were talking about the product in a different way, using different words to describe our value and what we do. It is hard to come up with a message that sticks in your customer’s brain — one that is differentiated enough from your competitors that after talking to you they can remember what’s different about YOU. And these messages come down to saying the same thing, the same way, every time. Then there is the minutiae, tiny but important for đŸ€“credibility đŸ€“with potential customers: emails you send to prospects always being well-written, customer support ticket responses always to the point, and a consistent formatting and writing style across all the things that a customer would read from you. This is our mission, to help companies communicate better with their customers and potential customers. 💩The Solution So, what can Qordoba do today? Content control freaks, we got you. Writing Styleguide: ✅Hundreds of variations to customize your writing style, from date formats to semicolons to the Oxford comma. Have no idea wtf that is? Don’t fret; use the Qordoba default house style, which is optimized for clear and concise writing for the web and technology products. ✅The ability to customize the look and feel of your styleguide and publish it on your own domain. Terminology: ✅Define the everyday terms you use in your company. ✅Define the terms that are đŸš«banned — either because they're deprecated or because a competitor has used them to death. ✅Create Common Mistakes rules: automatic corrections to the phrases that your team confuses most often. What ELSE we check your content for: ✅Clarity ✅Brevity ✅Readability ✅Gender bias ✅Toxicity ✅Plagiarism ✅Grammar and spelling 💘 Extra thanks to: @chrismessina for hunting us! Have loved your product feedback and encouragement along the way. đŸŒč Special offer for the PH community 50% off your first year with us if you upgrade to a paid annual plan! Really looking forward to your comments and feedback — we’re just getting started and your feedback is a 🎁. Write soon, May
David Braun
@chrismessina @mayhabib Congrats on the launch! Added to the GPT-3 collection. Follow for all things GPT-3 and AI content generation 👉
Niklas Pivic
Ironically, the product website mentions 'styleguide'; I've never seen the term written in any other way than 'style guide', be it in known in The Chicago Manual of Style, the Microsoft Style Guide, or any other of the well-known guides that I've seen. The description on this page mentions 'style guides' while the first-posted discussion here, by one of the makers of this product, mentions 'styleguides'; consistency is important in (technical) writing. I'm not trying to say that this product is bad—I've not yet tried it—but something which is supposed to supplant or add value to writing shouldn't fail this easily. PS. If I made this product I'd use 'AI-writing assistant' instead of 'AI writing assistant' as per most American-English grammar rules.
May Habib
@niklaspivic666 Hi Niklas! ABSOLUTELY! Consistency is super important. We actually just moved from "style guide" to "styleguide" in our house style; yes, it's against the grain (but not uncommon), and we think it's more modern. What's beautiful about the English language is how quickly it adapts. Styleguides are a thing now and so we think this portmanteau is appropriate.
Niklas Pivic
@mayhabib Hey! Thanks for responding. 'Styleguide' isn't a portmanteau but the result of using neology; I recommend 'stylebook' instead of "styleguide", if mashing words is your thing. Orthographically speaking, English isn't really suited for that, even though I'm all for new ways of using language. Let me paint a picture of my main issue with mashing words together in English: Some languages are almost made for creating new words by mashing them together without the use of punctuation. My mother tongue, Swedish, is all for that; for example, the term 'flag-pole polishing-boy accoutrement-salesperson' becomes 'flaggstÄngspolerarpojksdetaljsÀljare', whereas 'flagpolepolishingboyaccoutrementsalesperson' isn't a thing. I recommend style guides by Robert Graves and Benjamin Dreyer; they both recant stories as to why one should prefer en dashes to neology when binding words together. The Chicago Manual of Style is with them, too.
Maxim Orlovsky
Great alternative to Grammarly for companies.
Haha, nicely spotted @niklaspivic666. Still, this product aims to solve a problem that virtually every team has. I wish I had this five years ago. Looking forward to using this!
Niklas Pivic
@j_vanderburgt There is absolutely use for this product; I wish writing were completely automatised, and I would adore to see details on exactly how AI would be used to define 'your specialized version' of style, as the website mentions, among other things. I wish the makers of this product all the best in their endeavours.
Azzen Abidi
@mayhabib Congrats on the launch and thank you for sharing your story! Aside from technical writing, I wrote short stories, flash fiction, and even tried crafting a couple of screenplays. Formatting and editing each genre has been always a nightmare for me. I have used both Grammarly and The hemingwayapp for years. Beyond the AI and the collaboration aspect, how does Qordoba stand out here? Also, in this era, the influencer economy is booming. Most influencers' social media accounts are managed by whole teams. Is Qordoba customizable enough to satisfy those small targeted but profitable niches?
May Habib
@azzen_abidi there are lots of differences :) Corrections: Our corrections map to your exact writing styleguide (customized by you or your team), so you only get the suggestions that make sense for your work. Of course, readability, clarity, spelling and grammar are taken care of, too. Team accounts: Add all your teammates to one account, so you all get help following the same writing guidelines. Build consistency across different writers in your org and improve writing ability over time by customizing the guidance descriptions your team receives. Terminology: List the words and phrases your teammates should or shouldn’t be using. Qordoba will flag banned words if someone tries to use one. Brand voice: Writers get help matching your brand’s voice and gendered language preferences. Data security: When you use our Chrome extension or plugins, your content isn’t stored in our servers. We’re AICPA SOC 2, EU-US Privacy Shield, Swiss-US Privacy Shield, CCPA, and HIPPA compliant.
Azzen Abidi
@mayhabib Wow! That's awesome :) What are some of the flagship use cases of Qordoba you have seen so far? As mentioned above, I see Qordoba championing the content realm even with some very unusual cases like Hollywood.
Kunal Bhatia
Love what you're doing @mayhabib + team! In my mind, Qordoba helps the owners of the style guide extend themselves. Let's face it—so many people write on behalf of the company publicly these days. Getting consistency is one of the goals of a design system. You can help us get there with words. Random thought—this would make for a great Figma plugin 🙃
May Habib
@kunalslab Figma in the works! As of today, we've got: ✅Qordoba web app ✅GDocs extension ✅Chrome extension ✅Word plugin
Chris Buttenham
This looks awesome @mayhabib .. maybe it can replace the haggard "Voice & Tone" article in our company knowledge base 😊 I'm curious.. this *must* be a problem faced by almost every company, but I could imagine not a _priority_ for most. Who have you found to be your ideal initial customer?
May Habib
@chrisbuttenham totally - the bigger the team and the more important brand is, the more essential a product like ours becomes.
Mitya Smusin
Fantastic tool!
Judy Loehr
Whether they realize it or not, EVERY company and team needs Qordoba. You have many people who write on your company's behalf and represent your products to the world, so protect your business by making sure everyone is always using the latest messaging, speaks in a single brand voice, and doesn't make you look unprofessional with stupid errors.
Warren Shaeffer
My company is a team of just 10 people, but tone consistency is already a problem for us. This is a great idea. Excited to try it!
Sam Mazaheri
Congrats on the launch! The platform looks great and I'm looking forward to being on the receiving end of clear corporate comms as a consumer :)
John MooreWilliams
I designed the voice and tone for Webflow and I'm the only team member with extensive content strategy and copywriting experience. And it's pretty common to hear folks say "If only we could clone you" or "You're just one person." Qordoba is the closest thing to a me-cloner I've found on the market. And it's _far_ more than a Grammarly alternative. It's got Grammarly's feature set, sure — but the brand-specific style options and its gendered language detection make it vastly more valuable. Highly recommend that any brand that cares about voice, tone, and style add Qordoba to its stack ASAP.
May Habib
@johnamwill thank you so much for the review!
jon zilber
I've played with Qordoba a bit and really like it. There's different value for writing professionals vs. extended team members who often have to write as part of their role but don't particularly want to think about writing and language. For the first group, Qordoba is a great way to continuously update your styleguide (you sold me on one word, May) and analyze your writing in the context of your declared style choices. (That latter part is especially helpful if you're in a tech company driven by metrics. You might be excited that you've standardized the company's language, but if you can't produce a number to prove it, nobody else will care.) For the non-writing professionals, Qordoba helps them out and also helps you out when you're editing their work -- they'll respect your edits more if it's all codified.
May Habib
@jon_zilber thank you so much! have loved having you as a customer!
F sarabchi
Qordoba is changing the world writing style. I can imagine how qordoba app can improve each of us in our personal l and professional life. Love to use it everyday
Dasha Ri
Love it!
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