Weather status right from your terminal.
Ben Tossell
ASCII Art Weather — Get the weather information in ASCII art
Ryan Hoover
Ha! The ASCII topic is one of my faves.
Nicolas Grenié
Love this product, but really the neat thing is to be able to display result directly in terminal Try this call in any terminal: curl -X GET http://wttr.in/barcelona Result: http://imgur.com/TSopGzi
This is nicely random - love it!
I love this. What´s actually the coolest thing about this, is the usage within a terminal -> curl http://wttr.in/oslo I´ve added that to my .bash_profile, btw, and get weather info every time I open a new terminal window. :)
John Carmichael
Another member of the ASCII family! Love it!!!
Ben Tossell
I've gone against all my weather app hatred and posted this! It should auto find your location or just add where you are e.g http://wttr.in/london Simples. But I still look outside for my weather
Ben Tossell
@oelmekki its sunny in the UK for once so I wanted everyone to see it haha. jk will fix!
Igor Chubin
If you have any feature requests, write them here or in twitter. I will be glad to implement them (if they are not too crazy :)