Dan Leveille

Wunderlist Discover - Create and Discover Public Wunderlists


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Chad Fowler
Hello, from Wunderlist. Let us know if you have any questions! <3
Andre Plaut
@chadfowler This is such a cool idea. It's been awesome to see Wunderlist re-invent itself over the last few months. After going back-and-forth on what to-do app to use for almost a year (no joke), I finally settled on Wunderlist, and it's working out really well. So, thanks Chad!
Chad Fowler
@andreplaut @chadfowler Awesome to hear it Andre! We've got more and more improvements coming. We're getting into a really good rhythm :)
Ryan Hoover
Which are your favorite collections, @chadfowler?
Hunter Walk
@rrhoover @chadfowler nice but isn't this a feature, not a product? HOOVER we need nesting!
Chad Fowler
@rrhoover There are actually so many I can't yet say. They've been pouring in since we launched this. I'll surely make a list of favorites and publish them. For now, I'm proud of these 3 from me :) * Fun German Words I've learned since living in Berlin https://www.wunderlist.com/list/... * Must-read software developer books https://www.wunderlist.com/list/... * 11 Non-Obvious Jazz Albums to Impress Your Friends With https://www.wunderlist.com/list/... (a lot of people have been adding this one to their own accounts)
Frank Thelen
Great Lists make your life better!
David Senior
Here you go - public Winderlist of PH type sites https://www.wunderlist.com/lists...